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Billy One Mate

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The title is quite clearly teenage deaths, and most people are talking about young drivers. Of course inexperienced drivers are going to be worse drivers than experienced, stands to reason.


Does anyone have any yearly figures for deaths on Manx roads? As I was under the impression that the figure is around about 11 every year, and hasn't really changed for decades (deaths on closed roads excluded obviously). If this is the case then our roads must be getting safer, as the amount of traffic has risen considerably, and still is rising.


Of course as we are such a small Island any figures must be taken with a pinch of salt, as one single freak crash where five people die could totally skew the averages.

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Alex so lets hope you are not personally involved with one of the eleven.


I started this thread because of my own opinion that the number of teenage deaths on manx roads has increased and again in my opinion that the cars being driven by people who have just past their test because of their lightweight construction can attain speeds which are far in excess of an inexperienced drivers capabilities. Yes inexperienced drivers are likely to be teenagers because thats when most people start driving.

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Does anyone have any yearly figures for deaths on Manx roads? As I was under the impression that the figure is around about 11 every year, and hasn't really changed for decades


I can't find it, but I'm pretty sure that's a 'Death per capita' figure, usually at a standard 100,000. As you rightly point out, the population changes over time so relative figures are inaccurate so they standardise and factor the figures to a comparable standard every year.


Hence, if it's stayed around 11 every year, that means the situation is neither improving nor getting worse.

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Alex so lets hope you are not personally involved with one of the eleven.
Thanks! I hope so too.


I started this thread because of my own opinion that the number of teenage deaths on manx roads has increased and again in my opinion that the cars being driven by people who have just past their test because of their lightweight construction can attain speeds which are far in excess of an inexperienced drivers capabilities. Yes inexperienced drivers are likely to be teenagers because thats when most people start driving.
So you don't have figures just an opinion? Fair enough, admittedly this has been a bad year for young people on the roads. Is it a worrying trend though, or just some tragic accidents?


ans - I did actually mean actual deaths, not a per capita figure. However it appears that neither of those figures is readily available so I can't say for sure.

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ans - I did actually mean actual deaths, not a per capita figure. However it appears that neither of those figures is readily available so I can't say for sure.


Fair enough. I did have a look for them but couldn't find them. Be interested if someone else turns them up?

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The title is quite clearly teenage deaths, and most people are talking about young drivers. Of course inexperienced drivers are going to be worse drivers than experienced, stands to reason.

Young male drivers kill themselves at a rapid rate here in Switzerland, sadly a mate's son died recently in a car crash at 04:15. Especially stupid are young Yugoslavians and citizens of the former member states.


On the island the majority of drunk drivers seem to be in the older age bracket, the fact that they don't get locked up amazes me.

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I've been chatting to Rich - he enjoyed the report.


Stereo...nahhhh. Was MUCH too busy listening to the turbos whistle and watching the speedo needle climbing like the rev counter on a race bike!


What a car. I told Rich I had three daughters worth £15k each in part-ex...


Yeah he sent me the article via msn while I was in england. I rather enjoyed it! You might have had better luck if you'd told him you had three sons to part ex!*








*not really true.

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but i can still tell if someone drives like a looney and i wouldnt get in a car with them. whether there are 45 or 16!

Maybe if you've seen their driving properly or been out with them before yes. What if you haven't been in with them before though? I doubt very much that most people would go 'hmmm, I've not been in a car with this person before so I'd better not because they could be a dangerous looney'. They would just assume that someone driving them from A to B might do it with a modicum of respect for their life as a passenger.


it is your choice unless you trust your life in someone elses hands which personally i wouldnt risk!


So you never go in a vehicle driven by anyone else? Never go in a friend/relative's car, or in a taxi/bus etc?

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