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More poor public sector standards

Interested Reader

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6 hours ago, Interested Reader said:

Another public sector worker who cannot seem to keep to the terms of their employment and then offers up a cock and bull story to explain their behaviour. 


What is disturbing about this is there were no records of the searches and only his conscience got the better of him apparently. Lessons learned yadda yadda.

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4 hours ago, Albert Tatlock said:

And is it now secure? Whoever is in charge of their IT on this system should also be facing major questions.

Curious to know how a system like that, which should have been secured and monitored from day one, was accepted in the first place.

No doubt there will be an argument made that he was only able to commit the crime because the system was flawed and allowed him to.

He won't be passing any DBS checks anytime soon.

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I like the way his barrister says, He thinks he should be blocked from being able to access the information. As if he must be expecting  to be still retaining his position, get shut proven he can not be trusted. And as for the lawyer wishing that it could of been dealt as an internal hand slap, get real.

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On 2/25/2024 at 11:25 PM, CallMeCurious said:

Curious to know how a system like that, which should have been secured and monitored from day one, was accepted in the first place.

No doubt there will be an argument made that he was only able to commit the crime because the system was flawed and allowed him to.

He won't be passing any DBS checks anytime soon.

Its mind boggling that they claim that you can't track what a user does.  SQL has this functionality built in.

On the same topic, whatever happened to the person who broke the law over 1,200 times?

Investigation into Freedom of Information request data breach - BBC News

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