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Assisted Dying

Albert Tatlock

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2 minutes ago, Fred the shred said:

No it is £11.000 pounds for Dignitas the rest of the money was hiring a private plane according to the D.Mail who reported on it following that documentary.     Cheaper than the average wedding these days for comparison purposes.

But completely irrelevant as the law being proposed here specifically stops people coming here just to end their lives.

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1 hour ago, CrazyDave said:

Have you actually read the proposals?

You would need to be a resident for at least 12 months before you could even consider becoming the process that would allow you to end your own suffering.

Yes I did. 

that is why I made that response. 

are you completely contrary just coz you are an utter twat? 

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14 hours ago, GD4ELI said:

I think one year is fine - takes a while to get moved over anyway, in reality closer to two years before deciding to move over and being PTS.

So make it 2 years then, just to be safe.

2 hours ago, CrazyDave said:

You would need to be a resident for at least 12 months before you could even consider becoming the process that would allow you to end your own suffering.

Define 'resident' then, go on. It's pretty strict when it comes to paying UK tax. Maybe use 'domicile' like what UK does for inheritance tax.

Go on, define domicile. Actually put it in words. Ah, it doesn't really matter does it because the person is gonna die anyways.

How much wriggle room is there? How much grey area?

This is only about ending a person's life, after all. Dr Allison in effect sticking the big needle in someone to kill them.

What if the good doctor's proxy done the deed a day early. Eh? One offspring happy the other ain't. What you gonna do?

And who's gonna wear the black hood? Allison got a few of his mates lined up? Has he?

Maybe a relative of the guy Henry who gave out the birch.

The Dr has become too far up his own posterior. He should have been kicked out at the last election but clung on to do more damage to our society.

Yep, I can see a huge legal nightmare in all this. But the perpetrator will be long gone by then.


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This legislation is bound to kick off a raft of unintended consequences. Unlike the way that Assisted Dying operates as a business in Switzerland, our legislation has not been drafted to create a ‘profitable’ business here. Our legislation could result in many more very ill people moving to the Island and expecting to be treated for free by Manx Care because the minimum 12-month residency requirement is short enough for non-residents to plan their end-of-life journey. People who expect to die within, say, 3 years could plan to relocate to the Island with sufficient time to meet the 12-month criteria. But, during the period from when they arrive until they die, they might reasonably expect that the NHS system/ Manx Care will take care of their declining health.

Compassion for fellow human beings has been the main driver for our legislation. And rightfully so. However, the potential costs and other (financial) impacts of the proposed IOM Assisted Dying Bill have not been discussed in the public domain, yet. 

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There will always be people raising objections to this bill which is sad the idea that shed loads of terminally ill people will beat a path to the Island is ludicrous.   The residency clause will ensure it will be a service available to residents that is the aim. It is telling that there was not a great outcry when the frail and sick elderly were put on the Liverpool pathway when they were cruelly deprived of food and water to hasten their departure , that went on for years but it was rather an under the counter approach.   The difference here is the patient is in control not being controlled.     There are not great numbers of people who will choose this path but it should be an option.

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On 3/1/2024 at 12:07 PM, Fred the shred said:

The residency clause will ensure it will be a service available to residents that is the aim. 

You make no attempt to define residency do you?  Are you able to?

I'll tell you what, to open up the debate and perhaps to demonstrate how ill-conceived it is, how about we allow the law only for those who have a valid birth certificate that states they are born in the Isle of Man. There, nice and easy.

(Please don't just answer with a 'sad' emoji, although somehow I think that might be the level of your serious debate)

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1 hour ago, Casta said:

You make no attempt to define residency do you?  Are you able to?

I'll tell you what, to open up the debate and perhaps to demonstrate how ill-conceived it is, how about we allow the law only for those who have a valid birth certificate that states they are born in the Isle of Man. There, nice and easy.

(Please don't just answer with a 'sad' emoji, although somehow I think that might be the level of your serious debate)

Example: UK Residency

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11 minutes ago, GD4ELI said:

That’s tax residency, which has a highly artificial meaning. Not suitable for a residency test for assisted dying.

Theres resident, ordinarily resident, tax resident, domicile. They are all defined differently.

1 hour ago, Casta said:

You make no attempt to define residency do you?  Are you able to?

I'll tell you what, to open up the debate and perhaps to demonstrate how ill-conceived it is, how about we allow the law only for those who have a valid birth certificate that states they are born in the Isle of Man. There, nice and easy.

(Please don't just answer with a 'sad' emoji, although somehow I think that might be the level of your serious debate)

However resident is, in these circumstances left to its ordinary meaning, not an artificial one. It’s one of those things that,  if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and sounds like a duck - it is a duck, you can easily recognise.

To avoid death tourism, like Dignitas and Switzerland, the idea of requiring one years residence, is a pretty pragmatic filter. You’d need to rent or lease or own property here.

You can’t use birth, less than half the population weren’t born here.

How many people are going to be planning their own death a year, or more, ahead.

I don’t think there will be pressure. It’s a doctor patient thing. Perhaps a certificate from a tribunal that you’re entitled.

I know, if my leukaemia came back, and was in a non treatable form, I’d like to die at the time of my choosing. I don’t understand why anyone else should believe they have busybody rights to stop me.

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