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Steam Packet To Operate Seact Through To December


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The Northlink ferries to/from Orkney operate a 30% off-peak discount for Orkney residents (discount reduces to about 15% for the peak summer traffic) as well has keeping the same fare no matter when you book - I suspect Scottish taxpayers must subsidise these services though.

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Wightlink used to offer a discount for Isle of Wight residents. This only applied if you had a locally registered car though with a DL prefix/suffix (not sure which it is).


Could work over here too I guess.


Not sure if it applied to foot passengers though, I don't remember being offered it when I used to get the train back from work at the weekends but it was definitely applicable to vehicles.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Interesting comments, but If you lived on the Channel Islands, you'd pay twice as much to go one way!


Also, adding to trying to book the day or so before hand, only around half of the tickets I think sell at special offer prices.


As for January, god knows what will happen in Jan, because the Ben will have to go in for a refit aswell, along with the SSC2 leaves........... God knows.....


Not sure keeping the Lady in good order is within SAOS (Her buyers), Since it would seem likely that the entire stern ramp system would get the chop, no point having it, theres no tides down there!


Anyway rumours are flying the company might have just been sold again to Australian Interests, and the news reports at the time said any sort of replacement may have been held up because of negotiations.

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If there was any other way of getting on and off the Island with the car I would use it. The Steam Racket has no thought for the people of the island, it is just profit based, I believe the Government should have bought the company when it was last up for sale.


If there is no competition or not enough trade to support two or more companies for such an essential part of our islands transport network then it should be owned by the people of the island.

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Remember those really thick IOMSPCo sweaters that the crew wore? I think they were double thickness oiled wool or something. Worth their weight in gold they were. Pity you can't get one now, as I think they would be really stylish and very good for our winter climate. A marketing opportunity?

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If there was any other way of getting on and off the Island with the car I would use it. The Steam Racket has no thought for the people of the island, it is just profit based, I believe the Government should have bought the company when it was last up for sale.


If there is no competition or not enough trade to support two or more companies for such an essential part of our islands transport network then it should be owned by the people of the island.



Considering the mess they have made of running the MEA why do you trust the government to run a shipping company ?


And considering the price of fuel what evidence is there that the cost of travel would reduce or remain at current levels ?

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Seacat cancelled again this morning. Is anyone keeping count of the number of cancellations?


Don't forget to add yesterday's cancelled sailings as well!!

What the SP was thinking when they sold the Lady is beyond me.. A friend of mine was over at the weekend and she was booked on the SSC2 for her journey back - that was cancelled and she had to book a flight for a mere £130 instead, as she had to be in London the next day..


SuperSeaCats were not built for the Irish Sea (neither were any of the other SeaCat models)- they are made of Aluminium and are best used in the mediterranean - just read this bit from ship-technology.com:


Model tests were carried out at the Danish Maritime Institute at Lyngby. These results showed that even in full load conditions and worst case damage, no water entered the vehicle garage in wave heights of up to 4m. As the SuperSeaCat is a monohull, there is no danger of asymmetric flooding.


Er..4m? I think we have a bit more than that here during the winter, so you better sharpen your pencil and get a large sheet of paper if you want to keep track of the number of cancellations with this thing..


Oh, and did I mention that SSC2 provided plenty of spare parts for all the other vessels when she was tied up a few years ago? They just patched it up to MCA standards and sent it into service - reliability? What's that...

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seacat is licensed for seas up to 3m

Is that for SeaCat or SuperSeaCat? (Twin or Monohull vessels) - I remember that SC IOM was ok for 3.5m (or so I was told), although we took her out in 5+m while sailing light - boy, that was fun... :)

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