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MHKs....no commitment.


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3 hours ago, Albert Tatlock said:

Well, we already have an effective dictatorship (CM).

As for an anarcho-syndicalist commune - that's the Holy Grail I suppose.

So what would you propose that “the great Manx unwashed” (your words) actually do at the next GE?

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4 hours ago, Stu Peters said:

 I would rather have stayed at home though, there is little ‘jolly’ about business travel - but that’s possibly just me.

True.  I find the only people who think business travel is a jolly, are either people who don't do business travel, or people who hate their home lives.  There are occasional benefits, but the reality is that its usually a shit load more work somewhere else and no body really enjoys sitting in airports etc.  This is coming from someone who used to travel extensively for work. 

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2 hours ago, Stu Peters said:

I liked that in the Dail there’s a time limit on debates (and have suggested we consider that here), and was surprised to learn that it is widely understood that PMQ’s is theatre rather than serious business. The trips are organised by the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association - they ask for expressions of interest and presumably award trips to the best looking and most fun applicants.

The reason I asked Stu was because in the world that I come from, any employer sending a candidate on a course or detachment would examine a few criteria before deciding who to send, the principal 3 being;

1) Does that candidate have any interest or enthusiasm for the subject?

2) Does that candidate possess any aptitude for the subject?

3) Will that candidate bring anything home from the time that will benefit my operation?

Now, given that you have already stated that you would "rather have stayed at home" then it would suggest that neither of the first two criteria were fulfilled.

Which duly begs the repeat question, Who is determining who attends these forays? And what criteria are they using because it sounds very much as though they're throwing a dart (badly) at a list or it's just "somebody's turn to go". Perhaps on the best looking or most fun.

These are not the criteria that satisfy the taxpayer however.

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5 hours ago, Holte End said:

I will also be standing with a manifesto pledge, that I will  get an abba song into every question or into one of the supplementaries. 

My first question would be  "How many life boats are there on the Manxman, if an SOS is put out".

"Will the minister outline how the tender process works, does the Winner Take It All?"

"Minister, One of Us is lying"

"Will the department Gimme Gimme Gimme (a new school for my constituency)?"

"How much Money Money Money will it cost?"

"Does The Honourable Member's Mother Know?"

"At Waterloo, did Napoleon surrender, or is that another example of woke rewriting of history in our schools?"

"I have a dream that one day the children in my constituency will have a new school. When, minister?"

"Thank you, Chiquita, I mean Eaghtyrane"

"Can you hear the drums Fernando?"

"I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do thank the minister for his answer..."

"When the Chief Minister next appoints a minister for education will he take a chance on me?"

"What's the name of the game where you tick off all the bullshit ideas you hear on a Bingo card?"

"When I kissed the teacher, who reported me to the Standards Committee?"

"Voulez-vous repondre en franacias?"

"Friday night and the lights are low, you are looking out for a place to go, where do they play the right music?"

"Chief Minister, knowing me knowing you, is this best we can do?"

"Minister, Thank You for The Music, but I think you are just avoiding answering the question."

"Will the Minster of Home Affairs consider tackling the menace of dog dirt in our community by instigating a team of Pooper Scooper Super Troopers?"




Edited by Declan
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I've always backed Stu as he is the only one 'stupid' enough to raise his head above the parapet and take part in discussions on here. It's a thankless task, as there is very little positive. However, in reality there is very little positive about the island at present.

But, my patience with you, Stu, is wearing thin. You sometimes do get asked sensible questions, but time after time you respond/deflect with responses that you clearly think are both clever and witty. This only serves to wind up people fed up of years upon years of self serving polical incompetence and corruption. You were oh so shouty about the shortcomings of previous administrations while on the election trail, promising to make change, but now youre quietly effecting change from within. Bollocks. I can even undertsand why anyone regular Joe would turn to these tactics due to the number of trolls on here...but youre not a normal Joe any more, youre an elected member of our parliament. If you do go for a second term, and people ask you what difference you made to the status quo what will you answer?

I was in email correspondence before the summer recess with 2 MHK's as the latest scandal (RR) was hitting the fan. They were outraged, disgusted and determind to make their voices heard and do whats right for the people of the island. Guess what? They have not replied to any emails since.

I never thought I'd see the day when I would be counting down the days until I'm in a position to move from the island. But I cannot wait. The island has been good to me DESPITE of the government. But just when you think you cant get any fucking worse, you go and slap us in the face once again.

You should be embarrassed and ashamed, but youre not. I dont imagine its an easy task in any way to stand up for whats right, but this isnt Russia (despite some similarties), grow a pair and rage against the machine.


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In 2026, every single incumbent will tell us that they are committed to ending wasteful public sector expenditure whilst protecting essential public services. Any incumbent who can't show a clear track record of having actually done that and having cut out bloat over this parliamentary term should be pelted with ordure and removed from public office / payroll in perpetuity.

Similar objectives and measures need to be set for any senior civil servants who hope to keep their jobs.

Edited by Yibble
Typo. <blush>
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2 hours ago, 2112 said:

Our state news agency reports that 3 of our esteemed MHKs have gone on a jolly to Malta. 

Sarah Maltby, Ann Corlett and Daffy have gone to the British Island and Mediterranean Region Commonwealth Women Parliamentarians Conference. 

Im sure this will rile a lot of voters and taxpayers, even if the CPA may pay some of the cost. It’s the whole optics, especially after the budget controversy. 

Daffy is doing her bit for the climate by flying in preference to using all that leccy in Teams

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18 minutes ago, english zloty said:

Daffy is doing her bit for the climate by flying in preference to using all that leccy in Teams

I see the Clerk of Tynwald has got himself in on the jolly too, must have been due a spot of sun.

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4 hours ago, Andy Onchan said:

How about not voting or better still spoil the ballot papers, at least spoilt papers are declared and would indicate a measure of dissatisfaction. 

At Uni (a hundred years ago) whenever there were college or SU elections, there was always an option to vote for RON. Re-Open Nominations. Essentially a vote against the candidates if you didn’t think any of them were worth voting for. I still like the idea. 

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9 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

Actually it's his (female) Deputy.  Because this is one for the ladeez.  And of course you can't let MHKs out in public without sending someone along to look after them and make sure they behave.

But I hear Mr Squeaker and Mr Collister  have long haul jollies planned  Mr Squeaker to St Helena  and Collister to Australia , these boys get about , I recon the CPA and Tynwald travel plus expenses   would be the equivalent  to the increase in school bus charges  ?

High time the Islands financial problems were sorted out   and money stopped for parliamentary Jollies which appear to be of  no benefit  for us 

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14 minutes ago, Steve_Christian said:

At Uni (a hundred years ago) whenever there were college or SU elections, there was always an option to vote for RON. Re-Open Nominations. Essentially a vote against the candidates if you didn’t think any of them were worth voting for. I still like the idea. 

But what happened/happens if no one else steps up?

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