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1 minute ago, CrazyDave said:

He could of course also double, maybe even triple what he earns if he went back to being a GP and picked up some private work.

...and save us 300 times as much by doing so.

This man will never take on the civil and public services management...that was intimated in recent news interviews over the budget. 

Wrong guy for any senior position requiring balls. The only balls he'll have is if he goes back to making blokes cough.


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17 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

Given the pressures on Ramsey Group Practice and  Manx Care in General, maybe the Ramsey electorate should make a collective decision not to vote for him in any future election. 
Thus forcing him to return  to doctoring where he may be of more use.

Tactical voting if you like

Not the best GP to be honest. The Practice is better now without him. They even answer the telephone. 

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It is not possible for the average person to make a comment about the kind of person a particular doctor is, unless they have had contact with him or her during visits to the GP surgery - and that will be a very small percentage of the population.

It is very easy for every member of the public to form an opinion about the kind of person a politician is.


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Dr Allinson will have little or no training in accountancy or financial matters other than perhaps what is required as a business partner in RGP.

In Treasury and IoM fiscal matters he will be guided and told what to say by Treasury CS.

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25 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

Dr Allinson will have little or no training in accountancy

Is it appropriate for Allinson to use the title Doctor when he is not working as a doctor?

The qualities I expect from a medical doctor are:

Absolute honesty and integrity

A great deal of common-sense as well as a good IQ

The ability to analyse problems

The ability to give clear, concise, answers to questions

If he uses the title Dr I expect those qualities to be exhibited.

[Over the many decades I have occasionally worked with (and not for) people with a PhD. They did not use the title Dr in daily office life, although of course when putting their name to a document the letters Dr or PhD appeared.]

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6 minutes ago, Two-lane said:


The qualities I expect form a medical doctor are:

Absolute honesty and integrate

A great deal of common-sense as well as a good IQ

The ability to analyse problems

The ability to give clear, concise, answers to questions


Yes, well you're asking a lot there. What we saw through the covid pandemic is that actually many Doctors are thick as fuck.

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1 hour ago, Non-Believer said:

Dr Allinson will have little or no training in accountancy or financial matters other than perhaps what is required as a business partner in RGP.

In Treasury and IoM fiscal matters he will be guided and told what to say by Treasury CS.

I mentioned how policy was changed by the previous UK PM and French president in another thread (or this one - I can’t remember). Wouldn’t it be nice if the minister stood up and said ‘we’re going to reduce taxes for the lowest earners - and those with families and those struggling to pay for childcare and still go to work, and we’re going to tax higher earners a bit more more to make up for it.’ Ok CS - earn your money and figure out how we do that. 

I’d like a minister/government that did things like that. Make policy that properly represents what (I believe) the general public would like and deserve. It can’t be that hard can it? 

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1 hour ago, Two-lane said:

[Over the many decades I have occasionally worked with (and not for) people with a PhD. They did not use the title Dr in daily office life, although of course when putting their name to a document the letters Dr or PhD appeared.]

I may have missed your point.

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2 minutes ago, Jarndyce said:

I may have missed your point.

Allinson is using the title of Doctor. What is the reason? Does he intend to imply that the qualities one expects from a doctor are those he adheres to as a politician?

The sentences I placed in brackets are to point out that there are people who do not use a title when it is not relevant.

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4 hours ago, Steve_Christian said:

I mentioned how policy was changed by the previous UK PM and French president in another thread (or this one - I can’t remember). Wouldn’t it be nice if the minister stood up and said ‘we’re going to reduce taxes for the lowest earners - and those with families and those struggling to pay for childcare and still go to work, and we’re going to tax higher earners a bit more more to make up for it.’ Ok CS - earn your money and figure out how we do that. 

I’d like a minister/government that did things like that. Make policy that properly represents what (I believe) the general public would like and deserve. It can’t be that hard can it? 

The difference between leaders and the led.

If ANY of them did that, I think the electorate would have more respect for our elected. "Earning their money" indeed, rather than the standard, easy, entitlement-led route of draining the taxpayer.

Instead of the endless kow-towing, attempts at justification and borderline pathetic excuses that we see/hear/read on an almost daily basis.

Edited by Non-Believer
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2 hours ago, Two-lane said:

Is it appropriate for Allinson to use the title Doctor when he is not working as a doctor?

The qualities I expect from a medical doctor are:

Absolute honesty and integrity

A great deal of common-sense as well as a good IQ

The ability to analyse problems

The ability to give clear, concise, answers to questions

If he uses the title Dr I expect those qualities to be exhibited.

[Over the many decades I have occasionally worked with (and not for) people with a PhD. They did not use the title Dr in daily office life, although of course when putting their name to a document the letters Dr or PhD appeared.]

And of course a Ph.D is a proper Doctor whereas a Medic Doctor is not

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6 minutes ago, Two-lane said:

Allinson is using the title of Doctor. What is the reason? Does he intend to imply that the qualities one expects from a doctor are those he adheres to as a politician?

The sentences I placed in brackets are to point out that there are people who do not use a title when it is not relevant.

Does he? Or do other people?

Does he insist on it?  Every time I have heard anyone address him they have just called him Alex.

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3 minutes ago, CrazyDave said:

Does he insist on it?  Every time I have heard anyone address him they have just called him Alex.

How do they address him if they wish to address him formally? If he wished to be addressed as Mr, he would made sure that the press knew that.

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8 minutes ago, alpha-acid said:

And of course a Ph.D is a proper Doctor whereas a Medic Doctor is not

I'm not sure that is correct? A medical doctor is a practical application and has historical meanings, a Ph.D is a qualification in various fields.

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