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Death Is The New Sex

Speckled Frost

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I don't agree with this, everyone knows that the only certain thing in life is death. I doubt that there's a certainty that I'll ever get laid!


Now I feel cheated, the only sex that I'm going to get is death!



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Following on from the link posted above,

Other experts addressing the conference include Professor George Dickinson, a sociologist from the College of Charleston, South Carolina, who will discuss the trend for making items of jewellery from the remains of loved ones.


Other experts addressing the conference include Professor George Dickinson, a sociologist from the College of Charleston, South Carolina, who will discuss the trend for making items of jewellery from the remains of loved ones.


These include having the deceased's fingerprint on a "thumbie" pendant, or using the carbon from their body to make a diamond.


Not really a new idea (using body parts tc) - Tibetans have been doing it for probably 3,000 years or so, the practise of "Sky Burial" involves stripping the body of the skin & some flesh, putting the remains on a mountain top for the vultures to "clean off".


- They make drums from skulls & skin, flutes / whistles from thigh and other bones and may carve the rest of the remains into decorative beads & jewellery.


- I would be more than happy for any of my remains to be used as jewellery / musical instruments rather than rot in a graveyard.


(And I would also like to be able to donate my flesh to feed my dogs if this were legally possible).


edited for typos

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