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Cruise ships targeted

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In news today cruise ships are going to be hit with a 55% increase in fees when they visit. I don’t really know if cruise passengers add a lot to the economy but surely there are gains somewhere along the line.  The Government seem so desperate for money atm it is making me nervous do they know something we are not a party to.    First kids bus fare increases which proved very unpopular, then the doorbell fiasco the police asking for footage a government department reminding us that we should be paying 70 quid if we have footage outside our property , now trying to discourage people bringing tourists.    What the H… is going on ?

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Alternatively, the government spends a lot of money on heritage sites etc aimed at tourists. Normally visitors pay the Steam Packet or an airline to get here upon which the government takes duties and stay in a hotel whose staff pay taxes. Even those that stay with family buy food and drink whilst they're here. 

But a cruise ship passenger, doesn't spend much time here - no Steam Packet fare, no airport duty, no accommodation costs. A small lunchtime snack, maybe a souvenir.  Why shouldn't the government seek to maximise the revenue, otherwise why invite them?

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4 minutes ago, Two-lane said:

Well a quote of £11M (albeit in 2018) is not going to happen when it's costing £6.6M+ for a dolphin at the end of the pier.

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Cruise ship passengers spend fuck-all here.

The cruise companies charge them 200+ dollars for a trip up the mountain or a trip on a steam train.  The cruise companies get a deal on seats sold for these trips and pay no where near what you or I pay for the same.  The extra goes into their bank accounts.

They set sail with all the stores and supplies needed - they might by some papers locally, but that's about it.

The cruise terminal was never going to happen - EVER.




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Generally souvenir and coffee shops, taxis and coach owners are the ones who benefit from cruise visits, pubs and restaurants very little, side benefit, charity shops do fine from crew members as customers.

People employed to promote the visits also benefit.🤔

There was a prog a few years back on Liners to Shetland, essentially saying the returns were poor considering the outlay spent on dredging, berthing upgrades etc, sounds like something our Gov would excell at

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I presume this relates to a 3FM story, which states:

Cruise ships visiting the Island could be facing a huge 55 per cent rise in the fees they could end up paying.

When Tynwald sits next week, members will be asked to approve regulations covering harbour fees and dues.

The cap on harbour dues from cruise ships could rise 55 per cent from £3,213 to £5,000.

The Department of Infrastructure says the increase reflects the rising costs of providing harbour services.

Which doesn't on the face of it seem a lot, given the number of people who might be involved.  In fact if you look at what is actually being presented to Tynwald it's actually a sliding scale and the £5,000 is the maximum:


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As long as IOMG is actively trying to attract cruise ships here, none of their climate change stuff has any credibility. Those things are massive polluters.

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31 minutes ago, Amadeus said:

As long as IOMG is actively trying to attract cruise ships here, none of their climate change stuff has any credibility. Those things are massive polluters.

And of course, if we didn’t allow them to visit they’d all go out of business and the planet would be saved 🙄

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15 minutes ago, wrighty said:

And of course, if we didn’t allow them to visit they’d all go out of business and the planet would be saved 🙄

Which begs the question, why are the rest of the local population being fiscally leaned on to such a degree in the name of saving said planet?

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3 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

Which begs the question, why are the rest of the local population being fiscally leaned on to such a degree in the name of saving said planet?

The fiscal problems are the massive ball out from COVID which fucked over the young for the sake of the burdensome old and the cost of living crisis driven by the dependency on hydrocarbons. Climate change whether you understand it or not is not the problem.

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