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To pee or not to pee


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I see the NPM are giving publicity to the new Ballakermeen High School policy, whereby students can only go to the toilet at certain times, such as allocated break times. 

I can understand the schools attitude not wanting students time in lessons being disrupted and learning time lost. From my time growing up and being in school, I wasn’t prevented from going to the toilet during a lesson. What I hear though are students using going to the toilets, to a) cause trouble b) sit in a cubicle and c) leave the school premises. It seems there are a minority of disruptive pupils causing problems so those who aren’t causing the issues are being punished.

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When I was at school admittedly in the 90's we went to the bathroom when we needed to with no fuss and the vast majority managed to sit for 45/50 minutes without their bladders exploding. Fact is the head at Ballakermeen is trying to instill some discipline but once again we see people getting upset over a minor issue and trying to make it it bigger than it actually is. I see people banging on about breach of human rights.


Look at the reaction back in the summer when the head sent out a letter which pretty much asked the students to behave like decent human beings.


There are so many kids at school on this Island that are frankly out of control. 

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21 minutes ago, thommo2010 said:


There are so many kids at school on this Island that are frankly out of control. 

we are seeing the social results of both parents needing to work to keep the bills paid so little johnny is left unsupervised to run riot without responsible adult input into their social development, and of course many little johnnys don't have a father figure at home full time to swat them into place.  discipline is backed up by fear , there is no fear in todays namby pamby no corporal punishment at school or home enviroments, pain is a great teacher.

Edited by WTF
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21 minutes ago, WTF said:

we are seeing the social results of both parents needing to work to keep the bills paid so little johnny is left unsupervised to run riot without responsible adult input into their social development, and of course many little johnnys don't have a father figure at home full time to swat them into place.  discipline is backed up by fear , there is no fear in todays namby pamby no corporal punishment at school or home enviroments, pain is a great teacher.

Are you a full-time prick, or just an enthusiastic amateur?

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In 7 years I was at secondary school not once did I or anyone else in the class go to the toilet during lessons.

These days the kids know their rights. And they know they can't be refused.

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31 minutes ago, WTF said:

we are seeing the social results of both parents needing to work to keep the bills paid so little johnny is left unsupervised to run riot without responsible adult input into their social development, and of course many little johnnys don't have a father figure at home full time to swat them into place.  discipline is backed up by fear , there is no fear in todays namby pamby no corporal punishment at school or home enviroments, pain is a great teacher.

Lots of those parents whose kids are causing problems don’t care about what they do, many have lots of addiction issues and don’t work. The parents quite often have been brought up in similar circumstances.

Its a result of social deprivation although sometimes by sense of entitlement by parents & children 

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the only punishment  other that detention, seems to be suspension from school  then there left to roam the streets ,get into more trouble  drugs ,shoplifting ,vandalism  and meet up with their mates who have also been suspended  ,I feel sorry for the teachers it must be very difficult to deal with unruly and bad behaviour in school  when there is very little in the way of sanctions or punishment to deal with  difficult teenagers 

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Admittedly a very long time ago, but I cannot remember ever leaving a lesson to go to the toilet.  Not sure if it was forbidden, but it certainly was not the done thing. 

I can imagine it does disrupt the class, as other pupils will be distracted and there may be done who think 'I they are going, so am I'. 

It really should not be a problem with most high school kids either in holding on for a bit or planning ahead. 

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It's seems a bit like rules for rules sake, but there could be a justifiable reason behind it. Sadly, I think some teachers think that arbitrary rules (like the school uniform zealots) are preparation for a life where there will be rules you don't always agree.

Unfortunately, kids, petty people are everywhere and sometimes life's easier if you let them get their way. You need to pick your battles and I'm not sure this one is worth it. 

Incidentally, the redheaded productions guy needs a new profile pic. Looks like a report on a school shooting. 

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1 hour ago, 2112 said:

This is major news according to the IOMG news agency, but so far Daffy has kept quiet? 

She'll be proposing composting toilets in the corner of each classroom.

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