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To pee or not to pee


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3 hours ago, Gizo said:

So what happens is when a child goes to the toilet it is logged on the teachers computer, also lateness for lesson. Simple stats are collated and will tell you extent the kids are taking the piss. Which they are..

I think the Head needn’t to send a letter home to parents this should have been internally instructed with a full school assembly and to reiterate the point of toilet breaks. 
Kids spend their entire break times and dinner times sitting in the toilets, 3 or 4 to a cubicle. Vaping, skiving. Girls for some odd reason spend the time in the cublcles eating their lunch. Teachers are forever wasting time chasing kids out of toilets. 


furthermore I really don’t understand the clamour that the Dept need to get involved. The reason you have a Headmaster is to administer the school so let him get on with it. 

I agree with you.  Mr Corrin should be applauded for trying to make a difference.   When the students aren’t vaping in the toilets or eating there, they vandalise them. I’m not sure some parents have any idea how bad it is in some of the island’s schools or how powerless teachers are in trying to tackle the situation. 

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57 minutes ago, Willy Brennan said:

I agree with you.  Mr Corrin should be applauded for trying to make a difference.   When the students aren’t vaping in the toilets or eating there, they vandalise them. 

It’s not nice when you’re trying to eat your Big Mac in peace, when the vaping smoke from the adjacent cubicle drifts into yours. 

So you do lash out. It’s understandable.


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40 minutes ago, Fred the shred said:

It is taking a hammer to crack a nut these extreme measures are affecting the normal decent students as well as the few that are abusing the system.   Well Daphne is back from Malta so she will sort it out after the tiles at the NSP.

Indeed it’s not. The “normal decent” kids outnumber the other pupils but choose to do nothing 

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I think we need to face up to the fact that many kids are addicted to their phones and to vapes. As are so many adults of course.

As far as I am concerned the kids can do whatever they want but is there anyway to stop adults from talking utter tripe loudly on their phones or vaping in pubs etc. Both things they can do to their hearts content at home but then the me, me, me look/listen at me factor is lost.

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On 3/18/2024 at 8:44 PM, keith lard said:

Vaping in toilets is a massive problem. 1 high school actually got so bad they wanted to turn off the smoke alarms in the toilets at 1 point. 

The alarms are still turned off in one school apparently so that the fire alarms aren’t constantly triggered.

Edited by Bill1977
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If you are working in a school these days expect to be verbally abused, intimidated, talked over constantly and if you send your child to one of our high schools expect all the above plus regular physical abuse too.

After that don’t expect anyone to do anything about it either. The line ‘we are lucky we don’t live in Gaza or the Ukraine’ hopefully will provide you with some comfort.

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Jaxon sat at his desk in Ballakermeen School, trying to focus on the lesson, but his mind kept drifting to the uncomfortable sensation in his bladder. Ever since the new rule had been implemented, he couldn't use the toilet during lesson time. The only opportunity was during breaks, but even then, the toilets were often packed with other students.

As the minutes ticked by, Jaxon's discomfort grew. He shifted in his seat, glancing anxiously at the clock. The teacher's voice droned on, oblivious to his silent distress. Jaxon desperately tried to concentrate, but his urgency only intensified.

Finally, the bell rang, signaling the end of the lesson and the start of break. With a sense of relief, Jaxon rushed out of the classroom and towards the nearest restroom. However, as he arrived, he was met with a discouraging sight – a long line of students already waiting.

Feeling a sinking sensation in his stomach, Jaxon joined the queue, his desperation mounting with each passing second. He shifted from foot to foot, his discomfort palpable. Minutes felt like hours as he anxiously waited his turn.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Jaxon entered the restroom, only to find it in a state of chaos. Toilet paper littered the floor, sinks overflowed with water, and the smell was less than pleasant. Suppressing a grimace, Jaxon hurriedly took care of his business, eager to escape the unhygienic environment.

Emerging from the restroom, Jaxon couldn't shake the frustration and embarrassment that gnawed at him. The new rule had turned something as simple as using the toilet into a stressful ordeal. As he returned to his next lesson, Jaxon resolved to speak up about the issue, determined to advocate for a more reasonable policy that prioritized students' basic needs.

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3 hours ago, Anthony Ingham said:

Jaxon sat at his desk in Ballakermeen School, trying to focus on the lesson, but his mind kept drifting to the uncomfortable sensation in his bladder. Ever since the new rule had been implemented, he couldn't use the toilet during lesson time. The only opportunity was during breaks, but even then, the toilets were often packed with other students.

As the minutes ticked by, Jaxon's discomfort grew. He shifted in his seat, glancing anxiously at the clock. The teacher's voice droned on, oblivious to his silent distress. Jaxon desperately tried to concentrate, but his urgency only intensified.

Finally, the bell rang, signaling the end of the lesson and the start of break. With a sense of relief, Jaxon rushed out of the classroom and towards the nearest restroom. However, as he arrived, he was met with a discouraging sight – a long line of students already waiting.

Feeling a sinking sensation in his stomach, Jaxon joined the queue, his desperation mounting with each passing second. He shifted from foot to foot, his discomfort palpable. Minutes felt like hours as he anxiously waited his turn.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Jaxon entered the restroom, only to find it in a state of chaos. Toilet paper littered the floor, sinks overflowed with water, and the smell was less than pleasant. Suppressing a grimace, Jaxon hurriedly took care of his business, eager to escape the unhygienic environment.

Emerging from the restroom, Jaxon couldn't shake the frustration and embarrassment that gnawed at him. The new rule had turned something as simple as using the toilet into a stressful ordeal. As he returned to his next lesson, Jaxon resolved to speak up about the issue, determined to advocate for a more reasonable policy that prioritized students' basic needs.

Is there a go fund me page we can donate to to help Jaxon get over his horrific ordeal?

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8 hours ago, Anthony Ingham said:

Jaxon sat at his desk in Ballakermeen School, trying to focus on the lesson, but his mind kept drifting to the uncomfortable sensation in his bladder. Ever since the new rule had been implemented, he couldn't use the toilet during lesson time. The only opportunity was during breaks, but even then, the toilets were often packed with other students.

As the minutes ticked by, Jaxon's discomfort grew. He shifted in his seat, glancing anxiously at the clock. The teacher's voice droned on, oblivious to his silent distress. Jaxon desperately tried to concentrate, but his urgency only intensified.

Finally, the bell rang, signaling the end of the lesson and the start of break. With a sense of relief, Jaxon rushed out of the classroom and towards the nearest restroom. However, as he arrived, he was met with a discouraging sight – a long line of students already waiting.

Feeling a sinking sensation in his stomach, Jaxon joined the queue, his desperation mounting with each passing second. He shifted from foot to foot, his discomfort palpable. Minutes felt like hours as he anxiously waited his turn.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Jaxon entered the restroom, only to find it in a state of chaos. Toilet paper littered the floor, sinks overflowed with water, and the smell was less than pleasant. Suppressing a grimace, Jaxon hurriedly took care of his business, eager to escape the unhygienic environment.

Emerging from the restroom, Jaxon couldn't shake the frustration and embarrassment that gnawed at him. The new rule had turned something as simple as using the toilet into a stressful ordeal. As he returned to his next lesson, Jaxon resolved to speak up about the issue, determined to advocate for a more reasonable policy that prioritized students' basic needs.

Jaxon was a human being, he needed to pee every now and then. He needed to take a dump too, but he had learnt to evacuate his bowels at home before going to school. Peeing was different though. That could be held for a while, and what was more important than peeing? Well, vaping and txting on Ticcy Toccy (or whatever the fuck it is called) of course. So bollox to taking a pee. That could wait. Jaxie will just sit around doing the more important things in life than boring old peeing. Besides, he could do that during a boring old school lesson. Grab a pee, suck in some vape, and take a pee - the bogs all to himself too.

Now that was time management.

Jaxon will go far in life.

Jaxon is a selfish cunt.

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Unfortunately this is another case of the minority ruining it for the majority. The children who have abused the privilege of going to the toilet during lessons by vaping or meeting up with their mates now have meant everyone now has to suffer.

The IOM Education system inclusivity policy sounds nice on the outside and makes the politicians look good, but in practice it makes life way more difficult for the staff and those who conform. 

Edited by Bill1977
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