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Still working out how to measure poverty on the Isle of Man

Moghrey Mie

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The problem I see for small businesses is not paying the minimum wage, majority are happy to do so , it’s managing the big rise in heating .electric costs and NI changes along with big increase in rates on top of it. Those have to be paid while minimum wage you just employ people on reduced hours due to financial restraints. Lots , let’s face it , are hanging on as thats what they have always done. Hoping for an improvement in the marketplace situation. 
Poverty , well that has to be linked to what is an acceptable lifestyle . I’ve been in poverty , and to some probably would be be deemed to still be. I’m fine , I get by but haven’t been out socially since Xmas. Don’t smoke and haven’t had an alcoholic drink since NYE . I’m prudent and try and save a bit towards a weeks holiday shortly. As I said I’m fine and happy with my lot but I cut my cloth accordingly. Many these days have a expection for a lifestyle and existence and achieve it by living the rest of their life in perceived poverty. It’s not. It’s living beyond one’s means . I do feel one should have enough to go out socially once a week , but that doesn’t have to mean a three course meal with drinks etc.  That sort of analogy is what makes defining  poverty and the likes so difficult.  People’s expectations would have to change drastically before poverty could be adaquately defined . Sorry for the long post .  And I’m not sure I’ve explained it all as I had wished. For the record , I have my pension and thats it. Pension day on Thursday , I’m out treating myself ,first time for months , and will enjoy a wine or two as my reward of getting through another month.


Edited by Numbnuts
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4 hours ago, Casta said:

If you have a mobile phone and/or Netflix and/or vape you aren't poor.

Thought long and hard on this statement. Netflix for sure you don’t need. Vape or smoking you don’t need especially if you’ve not been a smoker before. If you have then vaping if used to quit I get. Sadly it seems ,from first hand knowledge , that lots of girls particularly are using it almost like a fashion accessory when out on the town. I know a few who have never smoked but now vape on a night out. Mmmmm , mobile phones is a harder one. So much is accessed on line now and for travel and the likes a mobile is almost a must. What is alarming is what people are paying for this accessibility. I actually have a mobile. PAYG and hardly use it . Cost me £80 4 years ago and probably use £10 or so every 3 months. Why….because it’s expensive and for the most part don’t need it . 

Edited by Numbnuts
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  • 2 weeks later...

I copied this over from the new, now locked thread.

If the suggested figures from the article are accurate then almost a quarter of the population could be described as "living in poverty". A quarter.

This would be no finer means of showing the unevenness of the spread of wealth across the island and I personally doubt very much that Govt will be in a hurry to trumpet this as a fact, nor will have any means of addressing it. It's not part of the economic miracle playbook.

I've also added an MF contribution from Stu Peters which is presumably the line that Govt would prefer to offer up...

Screenshot_20240407-173429_Samsung Internet.jpg


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13 hours ago, Omobono said:

dont you listen to Alf ? there is no poverty on the isle of Man

There won't be, amongst the civil service feeding him that line.

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Perceptions of poverty are defined differently these days years ago if you had a roof over your head, food in the table and clothes on your back you were doing alright.    These days if you haven’t got a mobile phone, wide screen telly, car and if you cannot afford a holiday you will consider yourself poorly off.   People’s expectations are greater.    The problem at the moment is that essentials are being targeted by price rises, rents,rates, heating, taxes things that have to be paid , car insurance, road tax etc.    Saving money on a fixed income is a distant dream.   This Government is squeezing and squeezing and disposable income is shrinking and shrinking which has a drip effect on every business on the Island.   There is no visible solution and dissatisfaction and disallusionment is rife.



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