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Venue - Maybe It Is Shutting Afterall


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The ever popular Comedy Club makes another,will NOT take place this month.


The Venue management would like to apologise to all our regular customers and Comedy Club fans. Due to matters beyond our control we have had to cancel this month's show but GOOD NEWS there WILL be one in October.


From the Venue website itself. Seems like it's not closing from that piece of information

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Well, I wouldn't book any babysitters if you're planning on going to it.


We've just been saying goodbye to the place. Opened up the cooler tonight, which wasn't planned, but sentiment got in the way of sense and we had a blast in there both Friday and Saturday nights. Did our best to blow the sound system before Dandara send the bulldozers in, but didn't quite manage it. Lots of photos and video footage from both nights which will hopefully make it onto the website. Best weekend I've had in there; by a long way.


They think it's all over... It is now.

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Hey all,


Just thought i'd confirm that The Venue is now finished for good, what a cracking night on Saturday cheers for everybody that turned up and stuck it out on the dance floor all night. A big mention to everyone that were in the cooler on Friday night who made the night great for Stevie Butt and Alan Stacey. I've worked there since it was opened and enjoyed every minute of it and if I get news of another place opening I'll let you lot know.


I don't know where i'm going to finish my saturday night now cos everywhere is going to be packed now that 600 people have nowhere to go.


If anyone wants to know so they can get it in other bars a Sherbet is a shot of Taboo a Smirnoff Ice and enough grenadine to make it go light red, I know that some of the outback staff know how to make it.


All the best and cheers to all the regulars see you around ..





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It just struck me that you lot will look back at the Venue in much the same way as we all did with the Lido.


Another comfortably large venue bites the dust then.

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I've never been to the Venue, and I wasn't always particularly keen on picking up some of the clientele who came tumbling out of it - but I'm still very sad to hear of it's demise. It's another nail in the coffin for entertainment, and for choice, on the island.

Bland, middle-class respectability seems to reign supreme!

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Ahh i miss the good old angry mob days, why are the younger generation so apathetic nowadays, there was nothing like the smell of burnt flesh to let you know you'd spent your leisure time effectively.

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dandara still haven't actually got permission to knock it down yet though have they?

If the Planning Department actually do their job for once they won't ever give them permission.


gutted :(


The Nightclub was the only reason they got refused permission in the first place. "The venue provided a resource for the social well being of the outgoing people of the isle of man " Now there is no nightclub they shouldn't have a problem with a re-application or review of planning terms Unfortunately. And just to add insult to injury.... the site will probably not be developed for another 3 years or so.

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