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In NZ we recycle - and i'm all for it. Have to say, ashamedly, that I don't do it here :blush: i'm far too lazy. But i think spending a few secs when putting things in the bin to make sure they go to the right bin isn't that much to pay to keep the country cleaner. People by nature are lazy I think, especially this generation, i know i am that's for sure, but if you were given incentives and made more aware of how you would be helping the environment and how that impacts on your life, then maybe people might be more willing to give it a try.

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(I remember as a kid we had milk delivered at the door in glass bottles, that were rinsed and left at the doorsetp the following day for refilling) -



Oh dear, Oh dear !, - 'when I was a lad.....'


- I remember the milkman coming with a horse and cart and filling our white enamel jug on the doorstep out of the churn, - the ultimate system, no packaging, no recycling, just water to wash the jug out !. (the milk float is now in the museum, I suppose the horse has been 'recycled')




I noticed this week in the paper that Douglas Corporation are looking for contractors to build a composting facility in Ballaughton Nurseries, I wonder if this will cope with any of the general public's green garden waste or just their own ?

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I saw a neat idea on the internet about reverse vending machines.


Instead of inserting money and gaining a product. You insert a used item, (bottle, can, newspaper etc) and it gives you money. Simple..


Just expand the concept. that would encourage people to recycle I'm sure. You'd even get people collecting litter to get the money, like with the old 10p corona lemonade bottles.


you can use the money you save from litter collection

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I wonder if that would that work on anything?


Say if you found some old twine on the ground and you tried to put that in the machine, would it give you money then?


It would be pretty cool if it did. I've had rolls of different stuff at home for years and always thought that one day, I would be able to get money for old rope!



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On the subject of getting money for nothing.


This is a concept I like.



Me too.


This proves that us scots aren't all tight.


What? You mean there's no truth in the rumour that the Grand Canyon was started by a Scotsman who lost a coin in a ditch? :o

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On the subject of getting money for nothing.


This is a concept I like.



Me too.


This proves that us scots aren't all tight.


What? You mean there's no truth in the rumour that the Grand Canyon was started by a Scotsman who lost a coin in a ditch? :o



Or that copper wire was invented by two fighting over a penny piece??? :huh:

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On the subject of getting money for nothing.


This is a concept I like.



Me too.


This proves that us scots aren't all tight.


What? You mean there's no truth in the rumour that the Grand Canyon was started by a Scotsman who lost a coin in a ditch? :o



Or that copper wire was invented by two fighting over a penny piece??? :huh:

Some Scots men might be tight but us girls definetley aren't.

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I saw a neat idea on the internet about reverse vending machines.


Instead of inserting money and gaining a product. You insert a used item, (bottle, can, newspaper etc) and it gives you money. Simple..

Got that for ages back home, but only for bottles (glass and plastic) and cans - you also have to pay a deposit on every bottle (and now even on cans) you buy - between 10 and 30p or so.


Drastically reduces rubbish and an expansion (or at least introduction) over here would be a really good idea - and kids get pocket money out of it as well, while learning that picking up empty bottles can be rewarding - winner!


So, dear Tesco: The IoM is the perfect place to try such a scheme, so I would like to see one of these babies in your "newly improved" store soon:




In the end, you're the ones that claim"Every little helps.."


machine thingy on the web

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On the subject of getting money for nothing.


This is a concept I like.



Me too.


This proves that us scots aren't all tight.


What? You mean there's no truth in the rumour that the Grand Canyon was started by a Scotsman who lost a coin in a ditch? :o



Or that copper wire was invented by two fighting over a penny piece??? :huh:

Some Scots men might be tight but us girls definetley aren't.


OOoooooeeeer Missus, finar finar yuk yuk!


Hmmmmmm.... I think I should probably bite my tongue here


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On the subject of getting money for nothing.


This is a concept I like.



Me too.


This proves that us scots aren't all tight.


What? You mean there's no truth in the rumour that the Grand Canyon was started by a Scotsman who lost a coin in a ditch? :o



Or that copper wire was invented by two fighting over a penny piece??? :huh:

Some Scots men might be tight but us girls definetley aren't.


OOoooooeeeer Missus, finar finar yuk yuk!


Hmmmmmm.... I think I should probably bite my tongue here



No, she's right. I went out with a scottish girl once. Had to keep a plank and a miners helmet handy just in case :lol:

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