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Bride Commissioners pull out of Northern Amenity site

Moghrey Mie

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15 minutes ago, Moghrey Mie said:


I think Bride Commissioners think it's clever to do nothing and keep the rates low.

Will their residents be banned from using an amenity site they aren't paying for?

And will residents of the remaining area members have their Rates rise to backfill the shortfall?

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Just another example of why there should be an all island rate system, my rates pay towards the Western Civic amenity and I think I’ve been there once in 10 years, I always use the Northern amenity because it’s more convenient for me.



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What's behind this is hinted at in the Manx Radio article:

[...] cost for the local authority is based on the rateable value of the area - which Bride is ‘unhappy’ with.

Despite having the smallest population of any local authority, Bride has a comparative high rateable value because of "non-domestic rateable value aris[ing] from extractive industry rating" according to then-Minister Thomas on that authoritative data source Manx Forums (follow the link back for some figures). So Bride will be paying quite a bit for not dumping much rubbish.  Of course they're not complaining about the fact their domestic rates have been massively subsidised for decades because of the same system.

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Bride residents hard done by as the lowest rate payers on the Island? 


This seems quite short sighted - any reform of rates/waste disposal management will surely see Bride's contributions going up. Perhaps Ramsey will amalgamate them.

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25 minutes ago, Fred the shred said:

It seems harsh if Bride ratepayers are paying £250 per household against other parishes paying £50 they have very few amenities in Bride so the rates should be low.

Slightly disingenuous comment from Bride Commissioners. BC receive a (very) large amount of commercial rate (Island Aggregates etc) so that the residents themselves pay much LESS than £50 per household. The overall payment (if divided by number of houses) to NCAS is indeed higher than e.g. Lezayre, Garff (Maughold element of), simply because their total rateable value (residential + commercial) is proportionately higher. 

Bride residents currently pay rates (p in the £) about a quarter of what they would if they were part of Ramsey.

This could be existential for Bride Commissioners, Ramsey will be eyeing up those commercial rates.

[all off the top of my head and personal opinion, not that of Garff Commissioners, of which I am a member]

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