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Bride Commissioners pull out of Northern Amenity site

Moghrey Mie

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13 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

The burnable waste from the sites goes to the incinerator at huge cost that rises like crazy every year.

Including a recent doubling of the cost of disposing of waste wood....

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2 minutes ago, A fool and his money..... said:

Apart from being by far the major cost in running them, you're right, they don't.

I believe the contract with SITA/SUEZ and the true cost of incineration were kept from the public when Pam Crowe was minister. Commercially sensitive and all that.............

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3 minutes ago, Moghrey Mie said:

I believe the contract with SITA/SUEZ and the true cost of incineration were kept from the public when Pam Crowe was minister. Commercially sensitive and all that.............

So sensitive that the LAs cannot query or ask for any explanation or breakdown of the ever-rising charges placed on them every year, apparently.

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17 hours ago, A fool and his money..... said:

I think the bottom line is, SITA are pulling the whole island's pants down and Bride are the first ones to do anything about it. It's a shame Douglas couldn't grow a pair too.

It's not got much to do with SITA and the incinerator.  The point about the amenity sites is that they deal with the rubbish that isn't meant to go there.  As Teapot says, some stuff will be separated off and sent there, but it's not the main purpose of them and not what most of the LA payments towards them will be for.

And it's certainly not what Bride's refusal to pay up is about either, which is just the usual belief that wealthy people in the countryside should be subsidised by poor people in the towns, rather than the other way about.  I suspect the end result will be that taking things to the amenity sites will become more inconvenient for everyone else on the Island (as is already happening at the Northern one) just so under 400 people can pay even lower rates.

That's not to say that the whole murky SITA situation doesn't need a very thorough examination of course.  It certainly does but given the very chummy relationship with government, it's unlikely to happen.

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Since Bride have made alternative (but less convenient) arrangements for their residents that they presumably think will cost them less, I guess the other northern boards just need to charge a bit more and keep the brideites out of the facility.

No real drama, and hopefully it will lead to a review of commercial rates full stop.  Bride have had all the benefits for decades and have now inadvertently bought the subject to the public’s attention.

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21 minutes ago, Moghrey Mie said:

The theory was that higher charges would encourage local authorities to recycle more and stop sending burnable stuff to the incinerator.



Infrastructure Minister Phil Gawne MHK said:

‘This important change means that local authorities will not face continuing increases in their total EfW gate fees in the years ahead.


Dear dear me.


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12 minutes ago, Anthony Ingham said:

Since Bride have made alternative (but less convenient) arrangements for their residents that they presumably think will cost them less, I guess the other northern boards just need to charge a bit more and keep the brideites out of the facility.

No real drama, and hopefully it will lead to a review of commercial rates full stop.  Bride have had all the benefits for decades and have now inadvertently bought the subject to the public’s attention.

It's not really clear what the alternative arrangements are.  The Facebook post just says: please call 819235 for information on where to take any items you need to dispose of.  Which might just mean tell them to try to sneak in one of the others.

One thing that does puzzle me about this is in the same post: The fluctuations in the extraction of gravel from island Aggregates site makes variations to the overall rates Bride receives.  But rates shouldn't vary like that - they're based on rateable value, as is the amenity site contribution.  Unless the Parish gets some sort of extra revenue based on extraction.  In which case why is that going there rather than central government as you would normally expect?

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7 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

It's not really clear what the alternative arrangements are.  The Facebook post just says: please call 819235 for information on where to take any items you need to dispose of.  Which might just mean tell them to try to sneak in one of the others.

One thing that does puzzle me about this is in the same post: The fluctuations in the extraction of gravel from island Aggregates site makes variations to the overall rates Bride receives.  But rates shouldn't vary like that - they're based on rateable value, as is the amenity site contribution.  Unless the Parish gets some sort of extra revenue based on extraction.  In which case why is that going there rather than central government as you would normally expect?

The arrangement are to take stuff to Birchalls at Andreas Airfiled  08:00 to 17:00 Monday to Friday, 08:00 to 13:00 Saturday.  Closed Bank Holidays

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Was there a big fuss from the Bride populace about making an “ unfair” contribution to the costs of waste disposal in the north?
Or did the Bride Commissioner's just decide they would take this action on their behalf?
Was there any sort of consultation or was it all hatched up in a quiet corner of the Bride Tea Rooms?
Surely somewhere along the way the formula for allocating costs must have been agreed by the various bodies? Why are Bride now crying foul?

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Corpy is same as central government -  controlled by staff - with puppet politicians who get blustered by HR and corporate bullplop and end up forced to having to put rates up. Another place that needs a major overhaul.

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Bride are certainly not the only Northern authority (and probably not Island-wide either) to start to be disgruntled with the charges that are being handed down from high though; they're just the first to try to take some action on the subject.

Street lighting is another issue with MEA (surprise surprise) having inflicted some considerable hikes for LA street lamp maintenance/replacement. I know that RTC have now farmed their work out to a UK contractor in that respect, on cost grounds and other Northern bodies are looking at following suit.

I suspect that many authorities are as pissed off with Central govt as rate and taxpaying individuals and are trying to alleviate the pressures, well done if they are.

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