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Government: 'We recognise it's a very challenging time for hospitality'


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I am sick of hearing about people who took on one of the remote buildings on the island moaning that there isn’t always access and that they can’t get staff.  It wasn’t even that good the one time we went.

It’s not even on a regular bus route.  Did their business plan not take into account staff getting to and from work?

Anyway.  Good hospitality places are busy.  I particularly like the way L’Experience are advertising lately.

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3 hours ago, Banker said:

Utter bollocks, boatyard won because it had a great menu and the food is fantastic, why don’t you go & support hospitality instead of constantly whining that government should be Doing more .

i think quite a  few places won , was it regional ??

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2 minutes ago, WTF said:

i think quite a  few places won , was it regional ??

It was bollocks.  The only way anyone could actually have an opinion would be if they had been to every venue and sampled every nominated dish or drink.

In reality people voted for their friends 

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36 minutes ago, code99 said:

The tourism industry cannot flourish without the hospitality industry, etc., etc i.e. a negative domino effect. According to The Tea Junction “the prosperous days are becoming sparse”...


Rising cost of living/ cost of doing business caused these problems and it is up to the Government to solve them, because the IOMG has overall responsibility for the IOM economy.

I hear what you say. What do you suggest the government should do to assist a failing industry.

There was a guy on the moaning line saying government should be giving grants to the hospitality industry. I might be wrong but that just sounds like good money after to bad to me.

Surely any sector has to be sustainable. Whenever governments get involved it only seems to get worse. 

Like @Fred the shred says, some of them just seem to be rubbish at what they do. The ones that are good at what they do seem to be flourishing. You try and get a table at Wine down on a Saturday evening. 

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Its a depressingly negative spiral. Businesses need to charge a price where they can attract customers and make a profit, but customers need to pay a price they can afford. I rarely eat out any more because everything everywhere is too expensive, and it is just not worth it. Which is crap.





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The problems with giving a subsidy to a business sector are...

How will the saving be distributed?

Will it go to lower prices to increase footfall?

Higher wages to staff?

or higher profits? This can sometimes be justified if profits have suffered since covid!

Also, the subsidy could be given to business' that don't require it? This could deter the Govt getting involved?

I've never been to the Victory cafe, I don't know their menu, price  structure or popularity. They report on Manx Radio  that they paid 15k  VAT for the winter, that would equate to circa 100k turnover, for the winter??? One would imagine their summer turnover to be even more? They're struggling on that???

OK, people exaggerate for effect but...........

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43 minutes ago, Happier diner said:

1. I hear what you say. What do you suggest the government should do to assist a failing industry.

2. There was a guy on the moaning line saying government should be giving grants to the hospitality industry. I might be wrong but that just sounds like good money after to bad to me.

3. Surely any sector has to be sustainable. Whenever governments get involved it only seems to get worse. 

4. Like @Fred the shred says, some of them just seem to be rubbish at what they do. The ones that are good at what they do seem to be flourishing. You try and get a table at Wine down on a Saturday evening. 

1. But it has always been the Government’s responsibility to create an economic and political environment within which businesses can flourish.

2. The film industry, MDC...

3. The successive IOMGs have been bending over backwards to create an economic environment which pleases e-gambling industry, and private property developers have also benefited. Why can’t the Government do more to assist hospitality? The Government has said it wants to massively increase the number of visitors to the Island. IMHO, if our hospitality crumbles this lofty goal will not succeed. And less visitors means less flights, less sailings, less things to do here, less reasons to be here, etc, etc.

4. No problems, if you book a couple of days in advance. 

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4 hours ago, display name said:

It hasn't. That woman has been moaning about them since taking on the wrong property

as usual, you are talking utter bollocks. Since the first lockdown, hospitality has been on its arse. Government did very little to support instead chose to jump into bed with hotels/boarding houses/holiday cottages. Why? because certain MHK's had a vested interest. They dropped VAT to 5% to encourage business but whilst some lowered prices others didn't. The clowns in power seemed to forget that they had put the island on lockdown and nobody was going out. So not really much use. When people did start going out again, they put the VAT up to 12.5% then up to 20% businesses couldn't put their prices back up as quickly and were immediately on the back foot. Then along came the colossal rise in energy prices and food prices.

Whilst hospitality suffered, Hotel industry were renovating their properties with the money they were getting. Work it out

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cafe 360 on the business park is packed out every day , not cheap by any means but excellent food well prepared ,tasty  and plenty of it ,  bottom line 

excellent value for money  , they certainly know how to run  a successful  catering and coffee establishment  , and plenty of parking as well ,and the staff are excellent most have been there since they started  nearly 3 years ago 

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It is not the Government’s right to give hand outs of tax payers money to reward failure, and that is what it is.    Some people go into business with no plan and more importantly no plan B .    Restaurants are dodgy at the best of times there have been quite a few big name chefs that have thrown in the towel lately because of overheads, it just looks easy but it is anything but.    Customers are fickle they can have an excellent meal this week but a new restaurant opens and they are off to try that.   To open a place in a remote position is risky and really the only time you are going to make a profit is in the summer off season will just drain what you have worked your guts off in the summer.    I have heard nothing but really good reports about the service and the quality of the food and wish these brave people well and the best of luck but no taxpayers money.

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On 4/11/2024 at 10:38 AM, The Phantom said:

VAT is probably the one thing they can't change.  It's set by the UK Govt and we just agree.  If we change it, then bye-bye VAT share. 



Although we seem to manage 5% on domestic supply and fit in the building trade in contrast to the UK. I get the impression that, like many other things, the vat sharing agreement is used as an unquestionable excuse for taking the preferred route of doing nothing.

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3 hours ago, Fred the shred said:

  There is no way the VAT rate can be altered by our Government I would have thought that was common knowledge.

It can and it has been done in other sectors.

Domestic building work is one - 5% was introduced there to try and prevent cash jobs (ie. a loss of revenue to government).

So they can do it to help themselves, but if anyone else asks ............

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Our Govt definitely have the obligation to make our lives as comfortable as possible, that is why we elect them, to do the things that we, personally, cannot do for ourselves!!!

Feed your Family, the means and how is down to  the Govt???

PS. ....and they can't do that without revenue!

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3 hours ago, Happier diner said:

I hear what you say. What do you suggest the government should do to assist a failing industry.

There was a guy on the moaning line saying government should be giving grants to the hospitality industry. I might be wrong but that just sounds like good money after to bad to me.

Surely any sector has to be sustainable. Whenever governments get involved it only seems to get worse. 

Like @Fred the shred says, some of them just seem to be rubbish at what they do. The ones that are good at what they do seem to be flourishing. You try and get a table at Wine down on a Saturday evening. 

I have an idea for a card, we will pay a former colleague 10s of thousands for an isle of man only gift card.  Another friend at Capital international will buy £100,000 worth for their staff and we can call it a success.  Yes, it may cost us north of £300,000 but we can bring it in house and create more civil servant roles!  A foresee it having a long and prosperous future.

We shall call it 'mannlove iom'. Should make it very easy to find on Google.

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2 hours ago, Omobono said:

cafe 360 on the business park is packed out every day , not cheap by any means but excellent food well prepared ,tasty  and plenty of it ,  bottom line 

excellent value for money  , they certainly know how to run  a successful  catering and coffee establishment  , and plenty of parking as well ,and the staff are excellent most have been there since they started  nearly 3 years ago 

But are they reliant on Robinson’s money or are they actually making a profit?

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