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Congratulations Roisin!!


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Just had a read about the show - coz it's obviously peak time viewing and I have never heard of it.

Alan Carr - 'a design guru'!  FFS.

I don't think I'd be putting that on my CV.

Typical BBC TV stodge.




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30 minutes ago, Jarndyce said:

I never said - or even implied - that it was.

It just amazes me, even after all this time, that we start with 2bees post and we end up with the full force of your post above.

Apologies for not sharing your glee and ruining the mood... 

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2 hours ago, Albert Tatlock said:

I guess I just get a bit fed up of all this 'hometown glory' bollox, where the Isle of Man tries to claim fame to someone who was born here (or only lived here a few months) who has become famous or has made the headlines long after they have left.

It's what local media do all over the world.  According the Gef (which loves this sort of thing):

Now living in the Wirral, Roisin moved to the Isle of Man from Ireland when she was nine years old and went to Ramsey Grammar School.

Having worked for a travel company for several years, Roisin took the brave step to change career and move into the world of interior design after helping redecorate her parents’ home near Ramsey.

So there will be lots of people around who know her from school or know here parents and will be interested.  The best thing is that the DfE hasn't tried to claim responsibility (at least yet).

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1 hour ago, Roger Mexico said:

The best thing is that the DfE hasn't tried to claim responsibility (at least yet).

There might be a First Day issue yet. I'm still waiting for the Jurby Prison/'Goldie' stamps issue.

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There has actually been a lot of dissent regarding her win by the public and if you look at her design , it is the lounge of a holiday rental apartment, it is really over the top, really in your face , a migraine waiting to happen , in fact I would leave her in the Wirral.

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Well done her.

One thing I've noticed though is that we are a bit desparate to see someone from over here go 'big' or similar. We don't need to do that. It's like some sort insecurity based bragging. We're a small place so aren't going to produce many world champions etc. Who cares if we do or don't. England produces lots of big time Charlies from their 55 million population because they are obsessed with winning at all costs. England is a mess and is only going to get worse.

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We're keen to claim them but it's only when they leave that their talent is truly recognised. Three lads from Willaston would never have become the Bee Gees if they hadn't left for Australia.

Speaking of Manx talent, I see that the opera soprano Margaret Curphey has died. 

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Oh my mistake. I didn’t realise she’d moved away, it makes sense ofc, she was a school friend to my daughter who also no longer lives here…(in spite of my attempts to get her to go for the deputy head of RGHS job…) 

Anyway, I remember her from here so she’s sort of Manx and she’s done good so - sorry for my false celebration and also not sorry because it came from a good place. Ye miserable ald gits! 

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