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The rebels as presented by Phil Gawne on his Sunday shout out.

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It's started a discussion at about the right time.

If they can come up with some broad policy that makes sense, which others subscribe to, then the voters in 2026 might have a better idea as to what is proposed 

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1 hour ago, Gizo said:

That cunt is so far up Cannan’s arsehole

What thinning out is Hooper doing, of the at least double-layered Manx Care/DHSC?

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So what will happen is… the schmoozers (who spend 85% of their time at work becoming popular) will keep their jobs, the “working” people (who just goto work and get on with things but are not popular) will be let go - the work will not be done and there will be a massive cry of “see I told you so”. This isn’t specifically a government problem, lots of workplaces are full of non working schmoozers and bosses that have been promoted out of harms way, it’s a miracle that anything ever gets done.

Well no, there are zillions of inefficient practices all over the place but I guess that’s what keeps the wheels turning and enables the hamsters to get Latte’s and Krispy Creme donuts. /roll eyes


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2 hours ago, 2bees said:

So what will happen is… the schmoozers (who spend 85% of their time at work becoming popular) will keep their jobs, the “working” people (who just goto work and get on with things but are not popular) will be let go - the work will not be done and there will be a massive cry of “see I told you so”.

It's not a problem peculiar to Govt but the difference is, the taxpayers are paying for it in the case of Govt and one wouldn't mind betting that they're a lot more prevalent in the PS.

So what is needed is hard-nosed, savvy HR types (an oxymoron in Govt if ever there was one) who are capable of identifying the characters above and swinging the axe without remorse in the right places.

Those types do exist in the private sector but will not be currently found in Govt.

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The backgrounds of most MHKs fall into the following four categories: Failed business people; Failed government employees, Wealthy heirs looking for purpose in life; Activists (eg; religious / eco / socialist). Politics suits some of them and they go on to do do reasonably well — despite the vitriol they get. Not many people put themselves up for election, and many of those who do are desperately in need of the work and wouldn't have put themselves forward otherwise. Ripping in to them all the time, especially after they've taken pay cuts on principal, is not helping anyone, and certainly not encouraging better candidates to come forward in the future. This Island has a toxic political culture and it's no wonder the government is hellbent on turning the Island into a concrete debtors prison.

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We really need to stop referring to any politician who opposes CoMIN as a “rebel”. It’s just offering an alternative view, which is much needed in our politics. The lack of opposition and policy debate leads to the kind of lazy politics we have. I don’t have a great deal of faith in Chris Thomas’ ability to deliver anything but I do applaud the intent here. If we don’t have political parties we at least need groupings of like-minded politicians to develop policy issues and properly debate policy in Tynwald in some organised way. What we have currently is simply a pathetic charade presenting itself as democracy. Weakly conceived policy, mostly developed by unelected civil servants, being passed by a collection of nodding donkeys. 

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List of things the Opposition should be questioning every time they are in Tynwald. Feel free to add more

  • 250 more on payroll in the last year - How many ARE ACTUALLY at the Hospital?
  • The Funding Gap
  • Tax rises in a low tax jurisdiction
  • Planning Dept. turning down new estates
  • Want 15,000 new residents but cant afford to build infrastructure to support this number - How does that work?
  • Airport - what can you say? Unreliable doesn't really cover it.
  • Boat - ditto
  • Egambling, what now? What will replace it?



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