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One Door Closes - Another One Opens...


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There have been lots of comments about 'nobody plays Dance music on a Saturday night' Well, that's all about to change....


At long last, 'Chill' the posh partner room to 'Breeze' is to host a new night called 'House Rules'


'House' because the music style will be quality Funky House with local DJ Paul Hughes and friends...


'Rules' because you will have to make an effort to dress up to get in. Once your 'in' you are free to roam between Chill and Breeze...


The cost? £4 [ladies free before 12 midnight]


The time: doors open 11pm


And no - this will not be a watered down Full-on! - it will be a quality house night for all to enjoy :)


Is that it? No - but we are keeping the rest a secret...

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Its not poo just because you don't like it, although we had actually deduced previously that you do, a bit. Its just getting watered down a bit, much of it is bland, but then again, some of it's awesome.


Busby, What sort of guests are ya gonna have? Any chance of broadening it, putting on guests that can diversify the night, ie can fit in but essentially play music that aint just house? Make it a bit more exciting, and ensure that its not just the same thing every week, push the manx scene foward and try and get it out of the rut its in?

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I think the chav with his rockports and topshop issue white shirt and exposed gold chain will be the sort of person not getting up into chill. The security will decide. If you ain't a chav then don't get worried about this point.

No pints up there either, if you question why no pints... have a think. Research has been carried out. If you really want to know then ask me Saturday night and for a beer i might indulge! :)

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How well do you have to 'dress'?


I thought nightclubs were moving away from stuffy rules concerning no trainers or jeans, etc.


Err - don't come straight off a building site and expect to get in! No Biker Jackets, soiled clothing or unable to stand up - that's about it really. If you really do want to dress down - you can always spit in the sawdust down in Breeze! ha ha. :o


Naa - every week I stand on the door at Breeze and wonder why people don't spruce themselves up for a night out... After all, part of going out is to pull, and part of pulling is making yourself look and feel good. Having said that, we recognise that there are some people who just will not make an effort - but we still want thier custom. However, not in Chill please!


What about some deals on the drinks :P


As you may, or may not be aware, there has been a national push from the Police to discourage 'Binge Drinking'. We are also aware that some places on the Island are not embracing the spirit of the Police line. The management at the Castlemona want to encourage reponsible drinking on thier premises and we support them in this.


Having said that, management are looking at ways of providing alternative drinks at more affordable prices. Watch this space...



QUOTE(the_kitty @ Sep 21 2005, 03:01 PM)


Its not poo



Err, yes it is


Hi Kitty - not seen you at Full-on! for a while and we play Hard House!


My preffered style of music is Trance - and I always thought Funky House was 'Warm-up' go nowhare music. However, because I have ACTUALY BEEN TO SOME HOUSE NIGHTS I found I was wrong :blink: [thats some admission!] and now I enjoy it very much...


So, I say - 'don't knock it 'til you've tried it!'


Mo - I am simply helping to get the night going [which I will do for any one] then will retreat behind the scenes - Paul will decide who to invite down and his contact details are on the Club IoM site..


Finaly, Everyone but everyone has been saying for years that no where plays 'decent' music on Saturdays. Well, this is a nice Venue, the music will be great - lets all make this the success it deserves to be...


Thanks for your time...

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