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Animal Protestors

Speckled Frost

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As much as I like cute, cuddly animals I am in total agreement with this crackdown on animal protestors.


Unfortunately, I think to many of them have lost their way and have also been infiltrated by thugs with no real interest in animal rights but just want to be involved in intimidation and violence.


A dash of utlilitarianism in their emotion-driven philosophy wouldn't go amiss

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Animal testing,


If its for the benefit of medical science = well I can understand (just)


If its for the benefit of some GREEDHEAD Cosmetics company = Then bomb away!

I'm totally against inflicting pain on defenceless animals just so some brain dead product hound can have the latest slap.


Also totally against this form of creeping legislation... I mean where does it end?

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Some fella on Manx radio just suggested that we carry out tests on the murderers, rapists and paedophiles locked up in our prisons, instead of animals that have done us no harm!


That was suggested eons ago, but given that murderers, rapists and paedophiles are hardly going to be reliable in their reporting, they decided other (preferably mute it seems) beasts were preferred.


Although I'm sure that the Pharmaceutical industry would be all for that - they are profit-driven and have been known to change protocols if the drugs they are researching don't give the expected "results" - grrrrrrrrr.......

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As much as I like cute, cuddly animals I am in total agreement with this crackdown on animal protestors.


Unfortunately, I think to many of them have lost their way and have also been infiltrated by thugs with no real interest in animal rights but just want to be involved in intimidation and violence.


What you need to consider is exactly how much BS these labs are putting out...


The intimidation and violence are often just things like sending takeaways/taxis/etc to workers houses or pre-advertised walks through city centres - nothing "violent" at all, but things that do cause maximum disruption and COST (watch that word - it's all that sodding well matters sometimes) to the organisations involved.


Ever since the highly successful campaign to stop cat breeding (yes CATS - their kittens often flown across the globe as they were allegedly disease-free) at a cat farm in Oxford, since then labs have completely xxxx themselves and won't provide insurance - so what a result!! Not only no more cat breeding of this ilk, but also labs too scared (financially) to set up new premises, and crackdowns on the old ones! Whay hey!!!


So don't believe the labs BS, don't even believe what I've told you (and I know to be true)


Research it for yourself, be appalled with what you find, and support the right ppl on this...

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I want to know what the animals are doing about all this.


It’s about time they got off their lazy haunches, hindquarters, rapidly gyrating cricket-like rear legs, arses, and in the case of maltreated donkeys, off their asses, and did something about it themselves.


They expect us to do it all for them. Risk run-ins with the law, stingy soap in the eyes…..


It’s time they took their turn at this protest business, instead of leaving it all to us. Parkas don’t come cheap you know….

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Does this legislation stop the Scientists and lab workers from phoning up SHAC (Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty) several times a day to laugh down the phone about how many animals they have tortured and killed today so far....?


I agree with magneto about this sort of creeping legislation anyway, but I'd be shaking the hand of someone who did in one of those scientists, so perhaps I'm biased.

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I want to know what the animals are doing about all this.


It’s about time they got off their lazy haunches, hindquarters, rapidly gyrating cricket-like rear legs, arses, and in the case of maltreated donkeys, off their asses,  and did something about it themselves.


They expect us to do it all for them.  Risk run-ins with the law, stingy soap in the eyes…..


It’s time they took their turn at this protest business, instead of leaving it all to us.  Parkas don’t come cheap you know….

This is a little unkind.


I have it on good authority that the North American Mink the Animal Rights Activists have released are currently ravaging East Anglia destroying everything in their path. Water voles, ducks, geese, fish etc etc are declining sharply. So they're not leaving it all up to us after all.

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Well of course Mink are the exception. They are known for their abounding energy and 'mustela vison' are famous amongst the aquatic weasel family for their get up and go.


Would that those beagles and other animals would follow suit, but they just sit around smoking all day, shampooing their eyelashes and reading Heat magazine.


(those that are on heat that is)

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