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Animal Protestors

Speckled Frost

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Ahhhh.... What support. Let's all have a group hug shall we.....


I don't "bait" anyone. I leave that to the sarcastic lightweights.... In any event, most of them hide behind a nom de plume (another id) created specifically for the purpose.


As to stirring it up what exactly do you want? There are two other Manx forums that are both as dull as ditchwater. Do you want this one to be like those? Or would you rather have a bit of sparkle from people not afraid to voice their opinions and defend them?


Your choice.

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Male gays only. Come on Heclan, get with the program....


BTW, the guys in the office prefer "Nelson". It has more presence than just a rather pathetic "k.p." if you know what they mean. If you don't know what they mean I will be happy to provide you with a fuller explanation. Just ask.

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I'm fine thanks.


But then it's not me who makes one hell of a lot of opinionated and bigoted posts.


Can you not see how duplicitious you are?

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