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Should Kate Moss Be Dropped?

Speckled Frost

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So, what's your views on KM's alleged cocaine taking.


Should she be dropped by more than just H&M?


She has this rock chick edginess about her which seems to be attractive for ad campaigns but will supporting her send out the wrong message.


Part of the problem is that she still looks great and maybe younger women will start to think that drug-taking isn't such a bad thing.

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I think she should be dropped, as harsh as that sounds. She is a role model for impressionable young people and must be aware of that so her behaviour is very irresponsible.

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I'm sure she is very nice and yes her private life is her own, however, she should make more effort to keep it so. You can't be the face of this that and the other, conduct yourself publically in the manner that she has and expect to remain so - it's totally unrealistic. It personally doesn't bother me what she does but when she is a teen icon whose actions/styles are copied by hoards of impressionables, then she really should have been far more discreet about it.

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I think H&M were right to drop her - as their stance is a definite NO against drugs, and you can't contradict yourself by having the face of your company as someone who is doing drugs. It's just the same thing as a politician standing for family values as part of his job then having affairs and shagging prostitutes, should no longer be in the job he is.


As for being dropped by other clients - it's really whether or not it is the same stance. If they don't have a stance on drugs in the public eye, then what should it matter.


We all know celebrities, musicians, models etc take drugs or drink to some extent, so don't know why people are surprised.

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H&M love it though, like Kate Moss ever brought in this much main-stream publicity for them before? Sacking her just means they get splashed all over the papers yet again and get to be seen as a "social values" company.


Yeah she should be sacked, it became public that she was doing drugs and that's her fault. As long as there is no proof that you are doing drugs nobody cares in that industry, get caught and that's it, game over. Everyone knows it, why should treatment for her be any different.

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who cares anyway, it's her business.


I would have thought if her small child was capable of expressing themselves properly, she might prefer not to be raised by a crackwhore. You become responsible for the upbringing of another person, then I'm sorry, but your behaviour is simply no longer just your own business.

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I also think "oh shock horror a supermodel on coke"!!

Its standard!


I have a mate who was in prison with Pete Doherty and he now hangs round in their crew - he has let us listen to voicemail messages of Kate asking him for some gak!! Infact knowing my mate, he is prolly the one who stiched her up!


I say its good that we know about all the seediness that goes on in celeb land, maybe in a weird way people might be put off by all the sad and sordid wife swaps and drug taking that goes on rather than think "oh how ace is that"!!


I was cringing when i read the storys - the girl comes accross as depraved and sad, not glam an rock chick and i think teenagers need to be give more credit!


My mate told us ages ago that Kate Moss was a drug fiend!!

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I think she's trying to be the Marianne Faithful of this generation, and that Pete Dougherty definitely looks like he could do with a Mars Bar or two.


I admired her for doing all the things young girls are told they can't do, smoking, having casual sex, not brushing your hair, having dead head boyfriends, choosing to be a single mother, etc, etc. I know what goes on but I can live without this stuff myself and I've actually realised that she simply isn't as cool as I am and I can honestly say that because she's not as cool as me, I won't be buying Rimmel products anymore (not that I have since I was a teenybopper anyway). So there.

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...seeing eveyone is showing off, I once played Pool with Sharon Corr. And being the devil that I am kept leaving the Cueball in the best position for a good blimp. And she knew it ;) .


Back on thread, drugs and models ? Oh lordy. Whatever next ?


It just ain't newsworthy to me in the slightest...



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