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Should Kate Moss Be Dropped?

Speckled Frost

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being famous is not an excuse or a reason for doing something illegal. doing class a drugs is illegal, and should be punished, be you rock star, media tycoon, supermodel, chav, mosher, movie star.....



a crime is a crime, there should be clearly held lines (pardon the pun) for what is acceptable in society. deliberately breaking those rules should end in punishment.

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being famous is not an excuse or a reason for doing something illegal. doing class a drugs is illegal, and should be punished, be you rock star, media tycoon, supermodel, chav, mosher, movie star.....


No I simply don't agree. Rock stars and models are clearly way higher than any poxy law, and as such should be free to wander gaily through life breaking each and every law they fancy completely unchecked and totally free of any consequences.

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She hasn't been convicted of a crime. Or even arrested. You said she should be treated like everybody else, yet you want her to be punished for a crime that she hasn't been convicted of (presumably because she's famous)...


if anyone of us were caught on camera stuffing lines of a fine white powder, that several police officers in columbia had died trying to stop entering the country, that several peoploe in this country have died, directly or indirectly because of, then i think the situation would be different.


a "mate" of mine spent two years inside because he had 10 pills on his person. kate moss should have the book thrown at her. "War and Peace" because its big and heavy, and i dont ;like er

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It's just a bloody witch hunt, once she been beaten to the ground and left for dead by the press they will just move on to someone else


it is only in the papers due to 'entrapment' she was setup by the press or she pissed someone off enough to drop her in it

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if anyone of us were caught on camera stuffing lines of a fine white powder...then i think the situation would be different.


I don't. They'd know they didn't have enough evidence to get a conviction, and probably wouldn't be all that bothered anyway. Unless they suspected you of dealing. And even the Sun aren't claiming that she's dealing.

a "mate" of mine spent two years inside because he had 10 pills on his person.


Being caught by the police with 10 pills is a different ball game. Pretty safe bet for a conviction on the basis that your mate was probably supplying class A drugs.

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if anyone of us were caught on camera stuffing lines of a fine white powder...then i think the situation would be different.


I don't. They'd know they didn't have enough evidence to get a conviction, and probably wouldn't be all that bothered anyway. Unless they suspected you of dealing. And even the Sun aren't claiming that she's dealing.

a "mate" of mine spent two years inside because he had 10 pills on his person.


Being caught by the police with 10 pills is a different ball game. Pretty safe bet for a conviction on the basis that your mate was probably supplying class A drugs.


whatever. i try to live by the rules of this country. and i think every body else should too.

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I doubt if Kate Moss is dropped by any company it will done for moral / ethical reasons. It will be done for business reasons and that is a matter to be resolved between the various parties


Regarding her alleged use of cocaine I have some difficulty understanding why it should be deemed a newsworthy story. A lot of people use cocaine. Some of them are well known personalities, most of them arent. In addition, as someone has already remarked, the fashion industry is well known for harbouring a recreational drug culture. .. i.e. someone using drugs, especially in the fashion industry, isnt news ... so why treat it as such ?


For Kate herself ..cant we all wish her well ..and hope she manages to establish a reasonable set of priorities in her life ? ... hopefully she might discover her child should be top priority and her drug use should be given a low priority and limited to private occasions.

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Wasn't Kate Moss the one who made The Priory THE in place for celebrities to get treatment for their addictions, sorry 'exhaustion' a number of years back? Even Michael Barrymore's had a spell in there, so we're talking A list.


Before this had come out, Chanel were supposed to be wanting rid of her anyway. Her pre-cocaine revelations rock-chick image and druggy boyfriend were not really the image Chanel wanted to portray to their mostly posh middle-aged market and I'm sure they'll go for some other clean living model such as Naomi Campbell, also noted for her unquestionable ladylike behaviour, who will add some much needed class to the label.


I'd do it, but I'm busy.

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Meh - sorry peeps but I don't buy the "Leave her alone - she's a nice girl" stuff. I wasn't particularly surprised when it came out like most of you but I'd wager she's probably used everyone who's ever helped her career for as long as needed to get where she wants and then trampled on them when it suits her - now one of them has got a bit xxxxed off about it and sold their story - bargain


Drug users are scum and she can go and rot somewhere for all I care

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