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The General Election in the United Kingdom

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6 hours ago, woolley said:

I can call you crazy if you like, but I think you've finally tumbled to it. I have the same thought every time one of you posts up these little gems with a chortle and a knowing comment about how divorced from reality they are. Call him stupid, call him brain dead, but it doesn't matter, does it? He knows his audience, and he's more interested in how it will land with them than how accurate it is. If it resulted in a seat in Parliament, it served its purpose and rewarded him amply.

He knows his audience, and so do we. Stupid, brain dead, divorced from reality brexiters. He’s a con man. It’s been a con all along to serve their own interests. I’m glad you see it now Woolley. Progress.

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1 hour ago, Mr. Sausages said:

He knows his audience, and so do we. Stupid, brain dead, divorced from reality brexiters. He’s a con man. It’s been a con all along to serve their own interests. I’m glad you see it now Woolley. Progress.


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Watched some of the QT prog last night to see if anything had changed. Didn't bother with the second stringers.

Starmer didn't do badly but Fiona Bruce was just awful. She obviously decided that her questions were much more interesting than those from the audience and really showed her true colours having a go at Starmer. But that's her job security sorted as the tory placemen who have been inserted to emasculate the BBC from within would have been well pleased with her performance.

Despite what he says or does Sunak still looks like a schoolboy. Lots of tax cuts and all the usual including the much hackneyed "Record £amounts going to the NHS" which, when you do the maths, is true. Blair and Brown got the NHS to achieve their best results by funding it with an extra 3.6% per annum year on year budget rise.  Dave and Gideon under the guise of "austerity" cut that to just 1.5%. So yes the amount going into the NHS is always more than the year before but as it's simply not enough the service has been degraded for the last 13 years and boy does it show in the size of the queues!

It became pretty obvious that the "National Service" made up on the hoof policy sop to the Tory Membership of around 175,000 really hasn't been thought through at all. When asked what sanctions would be applied to those who declined such a totally ridiculous waste of their time the best Sunak could muster was "driving licences, or the access to finance, all sorts of other things” thus making it very clear he fully expects to be evacuating 10 Downing Street within the next few weeks.

At least Farage has comedy value...



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12 hours ago, The Voice of Reason said:

So he didn’t actually suggest that tinned food could cause gender dysphoria, did he?

He was pointing out the ridiculousness of the prevailing blame culture.

Obviously it was lost on you.

"How can we say with certainty that tinned food, car emissions, radio waves, food additives, mercury fillings or any other manmade influence isn’t causing an increase in gender dysphoria?"

He isn't directly saying "tinned causes causes X", but he is clearly using the tactic of "I'm just asking questions" which a lot of right wing grifters use when they are fact checked or called out.


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9 hours ago, Max Power said:


Matt Godwin - 

"Goodwin's research and writings focus on British politics, radical-right politics, and Euroscepticism.[15] He has written for the New Statesman,[16] The Guardian,[17] Prospect magazine,[18] the Daily Mail, Evening Standard, Financial Times, The Spectator, The Daily Telegraph, The Times, UnHerd and Spiked. He has appeared on BBC shows The Westminster Hour,[19] Any Questions, Moral Maze, Newsnight and Politics Live, Channel 4 News, GB News and Planet Normal.[11]"

Ignoring the fact that Farage is an Elite (regardless of how many pints he has down the Dog and Duck), it is hardly surprising to see someone with such a publishing pedigree of Matt "I don't believe in systemic racism" Godwin would be so fond of Farago.

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5 hours ago, RecklessAbandon said:

Matt Godwin - 

"Goodwin's research and writings focus on British politics, radical-right politics, and Euroscepticism.[15] He has written for the New Statesman,[16] The Guardian,[17] Prospect magazine,[18] the Daily Mail, Evening Standard, Financial Times, The Spectator, The Daily Telegraph, The Times, UnHerd and Spiked. He has appeared on BBC shows The Westminster Hour,[19] Any Questions, Moral Maze, Newsnight and Politics Live, Channel 4 News, GB News and Planet Normal.[11]"

Ignoring the fact that Farage is an Elite (regardless of how many pints he has down the Dog and Duck), it is hardly surprising to see someone with such a publishing pedigree of Matt "I don't believe in systemic racism" Godwin would be so fond of Farago.

Does that negate everything that he says though, any more than people calling anyone who didn’t like what the European Union’s ideals or plans an ignorant twat. Or being willing to discuss what everyone appears to see that happens to be wrong with British politics in a non discriminatory way? 
It is easy to just write people off as right wing and Nazis, not so easy to repair the damage of years of neglect of duty and pandering to every crackpot cause which rears its head.


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14 minutes ago, Max Power said:

Does that negate everything that he says though

No, but it does help to understand their views and also can explain certain biases or motives.  It also helps deconstruct the narratives that they use (for example the title of the video is called "Why elites are afraid of Farage" while not entertaining that he is of the elite establishment, and a lot of the funding for his "party" (LLC) comes from establishment money.


any more than people calling anyone who didn’t like what the European Union’s ideals or plans an ignorant twat. 

Not sure I have called anyone an "ignorant twat".


Or being willing to discuss what everyone appears to see that happens to be wrong with British politics in a non discriminatory way?

Again, not sure I have called for anyone to be excluded or discriminated against.


It is easy to just write people off as right wing and Nazis,

I will "write people off" if they deal in lies or untruths regardless of their political leanings (which is why I am a big fan of transparency and fact checking - hence why I often provide context when posters signal boost).  

And I don't conflate being right wing with being a Nazi.  I conflate being or doing Nazi stuff with being a Nazi.


 not so easy to repair the damage of years of neglect of duty and pandering to every crackpot cause which rears its head.

It has been essentially years of right wing Conservative governments which has been the cause of most of neglect, and seeing as they are the ones joining the US styled "war on woke", I'm not sure who you think is doing the "pandering".

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Also, before its mentioned, I did watch the "interview" (I had to watch the video in a sandbox environment because I don't need that kind of hate in my Youtube feed).

It was a "right wing buzz word" bingo game - "wokeism" "liberal elite" "ordinary working people" "globalists" etc.

The complete lack of self awareness that they are cheering the banker in the "a banker, and ordinary working man and an immigrant have 20 cookies" joke would be comical in any other time line.


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Interesting to see Farage claiming he predicted the Russian war in Ukraine. 

He wasn't the only one realising Maidan was a big deal and could bring war. 😉




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12 hours ago, RecklessAbandon said:

Matt Godwin - 

"Goodwin's research and writings focus on British politics, radical-right politics, and Euroscepticism.[15] He has written for the New Statesman,[16] The Guardian,[17] Prospect magazine,[18] the Daily Mail, Evening Standard, Financial Times, The Spectator, The Daily Telegraph, The Times, UnHerd and Spiked. He has appeared on BBC shows The Westminster Hour,[19] Any Questions, Moral Maze, Newsnight and Politics Live, Channel 4 News, GB News and Planet Normal.[11]"

Ignoring the fact that Farage is an Elite (regardless of how many pints he has down the Dog and Duck), it is hardly surprising to see someone with such a publishing pedigree of Matt "I don't believe in systemic racism" Godwin would be so fond of Farago.

So he has written for both right wing ( Daily Mail, The Daily Telegraph etc) and left wing (The New Statesman, The Guardian etc) publications, and those in between.

Not quite sure what point you are tying to make here.

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On 6/20/2024 at 2:51 PM, RecklessAbandon said:

So you are saying that one of the loudest and proudest peddler of the Brexit lie was a liar and the people who bought his lies are...what exactly?

As a believer of the Brexit lies, how does it feel coming to this self realisation?


On 6/20/2024 at 8:48 PM, Mr. Sausages said:

He knows his audience, and so do we. Stupid, brain dead, divorced from reality brexiters. He’s a con man. It’s been a con all along to serve their own interests. I’m glad you see it now Woolley. Progress.

I didn't believe any Brexit lies. I believe in self-determination, and I despise the EU. There is no conflict here, and no change in my position. No eureka moment of new "self-realisation", as you put it.  You only imagine there is because of the one-dimensional way you see things. Geopolitics is at least four-dimensional. Horses for courses.

Farage is a disruptor, and he knows it. If knighthood were sainthood, he would probably be canonised at some point in the future for his key role in securing our departure from the EU. It's highly likely that without his efforts, we would still be in, and we should all be grateful to him for his contribution, at least.

Of course there were stupid, brain dead, divorced from reality Brexiteers, just as there were stupid, brain dead, divorced from reality Remainers. Likely there were even more of them among the ranks of Remainers. This is the public we're talking about after all, and we should never underestimate the stupidity of the great unwashed. They're a pretty unsophisticated lot. The right result was achieved nonetheless, and the end certainly justified the means given that the electorate didn't have a say before the UK was taken in (in more ways than one!).

None of this means that I ever thought Farage was destined for high office, and it is no surprise that some of his Reform candidates are of the nutcase variety. There are some beauties in other parties too though, don't forget. It seems to be a very low bar in recent times.

Brexit is history, and this is now a general election. I've already told @RecklessAbandon that if I had a vote, I would hold my nose and vote Labour this time. I wouldn't vote for Farage in a UK election. I've never voted Tory, incidentally, and I did have several opportunities when over there and after first moving here. I was very hard left in my youth. So no Damascus moment here.


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