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The General Election in the United Kingdom

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Recyclon Count Binface only mustered 308 votes against Rishi Sunak's 23,059.

Some constituencies clearly take themselves so seriously they have no room for a sense of humour...

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6 minutes ago, P.K. said:

Leader of the ERG and intellectual colossus on all things brexit Mark Francois has held his seat.

 A pity...

I've just been watching some graphics on Sky News pointing out the vote swing in UK areas that voted Leave. Quite remarkable.

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30 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

I've just been watching some graphics on Sky News pointing out the vote swing in UK areas that voted Leave. Quite remarkable.

In what respect please?

Because I'm wondering what folks are looking for to vote Reform?

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3 hours ago, Amadeus said:

Watching tory scum getting wiped out in real time on bbc is glorious. Labour sure isn’t perfect but better than these thieves and scammers. 

Let's revisit this thread in 2 years and see what you have to say then.

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3 minutes ago, Albert Tatlock said:

Let's revisit this thread in 2 years and see what you have to say then.

The UK's finances are so dire and there are so many things to put right that whoever took power today has very little room for manoeuvre. The absolute shambles left behind by Cameron, May, Johnson, Truss and Sunak will therefore work in the Opposition's favour.

For example UK Public Services have already been hollowed out by Dave and Gideon's "austerity" and will take lots of funding to put right. Where is the money going to come from?

Difficult times ahead...


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32 minutes ago, P.K. said:

In what respect please?

Because I'm wondering what folks are looking for to vote Reform?

The number of Conservative seats that have now been won by Labour.

Clearly the Tories were massively unpopular for their own reasons but as was suggested it is an indication that people are also irate about what Brexit has visited upon them after what they were sold.

The few seats that have been won by Reform who have based part (apart from the tacit racism) of their campaign also indicate that failure but rather Reform claim that is down to the way Brexit was handled and the "failure to seize opportunities" 🥱


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Surely the number of tory votes that slid to "Reform - The Brexit Party" can't all be racists and brexiteers hoping that the brexit promises made to them will somehow magically appear?

There must be more to it than that!

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Posted (edited)

Some things from having read the news.

The vote share to actual seats thing is pretty mad. Reform got more votes than the lib dems overall, yet the lib dems got 70 seats. 

Loony Andrew Bridgen got destroyed.

Jonathan Ashworth lost his seat. He'd likely have got a quite senior post in the cabinet had he got in. 

Jeremy Corbyn is in.

George Galloway is out, lasted what two months? Ha.

SNP got flogged, knew they were in for a bad time but that's much worse than I'd thought. Serves them right for eating themselves.

Southport turned red

Its the first individual time trial of the Tour de France today. Only short at 25km, but its bumpy so there will be time gaps.


Edited by TheTeapot
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Mandy taking a pop at Reform stalwart David Bull on the "quality" of some of their candidates. Bull(shit) responds that they (the Brexit Party) stood down and gave Bozo Johnson an 80-seat majority.

Well, not on yesterday's voting they wouldn't have...

Bull goes on to explain that folks voted Reform because of what they had on offer?


What a laugh this is going to be! Lee 30p Anderson, Nigel Farage, Richard Tice and David Bull(shit) all sitting together in the HoC trying not to be too overtly racist...

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