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Old man crying on the internet


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Stolen from his FB account.
Freedom to Flourish in all its magnificent glory
I'm absolutely staggered at the amount of support I've received since yesterday. Unfortunately I had to switch my phone off because it was becoming a little overwhelming, so apologies to anyone who thinks I've ignored them, I promise I haven't I was just taking a breath.
And to clarify things a little. Here's where I'm at.
I'd agreed to rent some old farm building from the DoI and use them as an arts and therapy space, particularly focusing on visual arts and sensory spaces. As many of you know I've been a bit through a roller coaster with my own mental health over the last year and the visual arts in particular are not only a passion for me but also my own personal therapy.
When I first looked around the space it was clear it wasn't fit for anything and needed urgent repairs to make it useable. I provided the dept an outline of what work I was intending to do to renovate the spaces, including extensive repair works throughout. I went through the details with the property manager at the time who agreed with it all and even gave some additional suggestions. The dept then gave me the keys to start the work and I've been getting on with it since then. I've paid for all of it, doing all the work myself except a few parts (like electrics) which I hire specialists to carry out. There's a few things planned to be finished in the next couple of weeks but the majority of it is done.
One issue though are the windows, which were in poor condition, mostly leaking around the frames but other than a couple of broken panes were intact when I started the work. As the building has dried out and in the recent storms, several of these have collapsed or been blown out including sections of a large bay window which was once the viewing window of the civilian air traffic control centre built at the airport during the war - this place has an amazing history, apparently owned by Illiam Dhone's family for a while.
Yesterday the property team and someone from the facilities team came to meet me on site, I thought to discuss what should be done with the windows. I'd offered to share the cost of repair if the money was the issue. But what I had hoped to be a mutually positive meeting almost instantly turned very sour.
I was told they'd been through all the paperwork and records but claimed to have no record of any of the agreed works, that my verbal agreements with the previous property manager or people in the dept "weren't worth the paper they were written on" and that I shouldn't even have had access to the building and as they left told me that the whole place "clearly isn't for you".
I have emails between myself and the dept where the work and space is clearly detailed and replies saying it was for the property manager to agree on the dept's behalf. I have witnesses who were here with me when the meetings took place and when the keys were handed over.
I realise I should have waited until a lease was agreed and signed before starting any work, but the dept team at the time were massively short of staff with growing backlogs & I'd agreed it with them so I didn't have to wait possibly months before being able to do any work and the building condition worsen in the expected storms at the start of the year. The team confirmed earlier this year it was ok to carry on with the work and very recently offered me a back dated lease. This meeting was to finalise a couple of queries I had with what they'd offered before I signed it.
On the basis of what I had agreed I've taken some very old buildings and literally brought them back to life. I'm trying to create a community space and a space for a visual arts business to grow and hopefully help inspire the next generation. There's been no government funding or support whatsoever for any part of this. I'd stopped work earlier this year, mostly due to my health, this is all paid for from my own savings. I'd invited the Arts team to meetings but didn't get any response. I'd spoken to the Dept of Enterprise about promoting the digital sector for training and local business opportunities, but didn't get anywhere. So rather than complain the Govt isn't doing anything, I decided to just get on with it and make something happen myself. After all, if I believed there was a need for what this place could provide, then I had to commit. If it works, then it's easier to lobby to say we need more, but much better to have something than complain we have nothing. And it's not costing anyone else to find out if trust need is real
But here I sit today, hearing that after the meeting the DoI team mentioned classifying parts of the building as condemned (although I'm not sure on what basis they could), having been told that what I'd previously agreed was null and void and it was implied that I wasn't telling the truth. I'm left believing that the Dept's opinion is clearly that I shouldn't be allowed to use the space. I also understand the dept have since escalated this to the Attorney General's office so all I can conclude is that all my plans and efforts are seemingly up in smoke.
Kind of a crappy week really.
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1 hour ago, Venus said:

Poor fella, I feel for him. This thread shows all that is wrong with the internet. People being deeply nasty for no real reason.

Who is being deeply nasty for no reason, I was shown a video of an old man on the internet crying but he made no sense and just wondered what it was all about. Seems needlessly overtop but his approach appears to have worked, so fair play.

His success is concerning though,  next week we will have the anti windfarm lot posting old man crying videos followed by TT Marshalls distraught they were stuck up on the Mountain all day... 

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22 minutes ago, HiVibes said:

Who is being deeply nasty for no reason, I was shown a video of an old man on the internet crying but he made no sense and just wondered what it was all about. Seems needlessly overtop but his approach appears to have worked, so fair play.

His success is concerning though,  next week we will have the anti windfarm lot posting old man crying videos followed by TT Marshalls distraught they were stuck up on the Mountain all day... 

I'm still confused. Who's the old man?

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Just now, HiVibes said:

Don't know, they all look the same to me.

Is Steve Babb the Old Man, is that what you're trying to say? Cos he's got about 20 years before he gets his state pension!

If you're going to start a thread, granddad, don't assume we're all still tuned into legacy media like facebook and Manx Radio  24/7. Present a link at least to what you're blathering about. Or think about what you're posting and consider whether it makes sense?

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