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On the Buses

Harry Lamb

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Seems they were being dicks, so got taken to the Bus Station for a bollocking.  Hopefully told 'do this again and you'll be banned from the school bus'. 

To me it appears fairly reasonable.  But I suspect many of the parents will be frothing as their feral kids couldn't possibly be behaving like animals and shouldn't under any circumstances be given some discipline. 

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4 minutes ago, thommo2010 said:

Can't do that now parents would kick off

That's mad if so. They've got excellent cctv on the buses, it can't be hard to identify the culprits and just ban them from using them? 

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16 minutes ago, The Phantom said:

Seems they were being dicks, so got taken to the Bus Station for a bollocking.  Hopefully told 'do this again and you'll be banned from the school bus'. 

To me it appears fairly reasonable.  But I suspect many of the parents will be frothing as their feral kids couldn't possibly be behaving like animals and shouldn't under any circumstances be given some discipline. 

In a way it speaks volumes of how many children are raised at home, and also taught and disciplined within the education system. Unless they are little angels within school?

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Stop the bus and bring the bus management to the bus - not take the bus to the management.  Simple.    I know of a school in the UK that had issues with a private coach company doing school runs - and they insisted on a representative of the school staff to be on-board on the home run.   Another simple approach. 

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19 minutes ago, x-in-man said:

Stop the bus and bring the bus management to the bus - not take the bus to the management.  Simple.    I know of a school in the UK that had issues with a private coach company doing school runs - and they insisted on a representative of the school staff to be on-board on the home run.   Another simple approach. 

IOMG don’t do simple approaches, they can’t do simple.

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1 hour ago, The Phantom said:

Seems they were being dicks, so got taken to the Bus Station for a bollocking.  Hopefully told 'do this again and you'll be banned from the school bus'. 

To me it appears fairly reasonable.  But I suspect many of the parents will be frothing as their feral kids couldn't possibly be behaving like animals and shouldn't under any circumstances be given some discipline. 

i totally agree, but reasonable and legal are not the same thing.

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"...  the driver' who was told not to stop the bus and bring them through to Douglas where they were taken off."

So the driver radioed in to central command, and they gave him the order.

It is not the end of the world as we know it, but it seems to me to be a poor decision by a manager person.

[If I was driving some children somewhere, and they were badly behaved, and I took them somewhere they did not want to go, it is a reasonable assumption that the police would be asking me questions]

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The way some people are going on on social media you would think these kids had been driven hundreds of miles and abandoned. Talking about kidnapping and abduction. People really do go over the top on their reaction

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3 minutes ago, thommo2010 said:

The way some people are going on on social media you would think these kids had been driven hundreds of miles and abandoned. Talking about kidnapping and abduction. People really do go over the top on their reaction

Exactly.  It's literally 10 mins down the road. 

Makes you wonder about the parents.  If it was one of my kids, they'd be getting an additional bollocking as soon as they got home too.  I'd back the driver/Bus Co.

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