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Landing A Plane..


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Anyone else seen the footage of that plane coming into LAX with the front gear stuck? Amazing, me thinks..


Amazing, because the Pilot kept his cool and landed the plane without any injuries to crew or passengers..


And amazing, because US news cameras, these ever-present spies on everyday life, always close to tragedy, with news presenters that are repeating their ever so polite and meaningless comments over and over again, while switching over to Bob or Joe "down at the scene", actually caught a happy ending on camera - no blood spilled, no shots fired, no car chase maniac killed - just a plane that carried out an emergency landing, which will certainly be featured in the next edition of "How to be a Pilot" - don't see that very often...


FoxNews Video


Oh, and apparently, the plane had a live TV feed of the event, so the passengers could see their own landing - talk about "Onboard Entertainment"...



That event may only be topped by these guys:


Football fans fake air emergency


From the Beep


A chartered plane carrying nearly 300 Gambians faked a fuel emergency to land in time for a football match in a youth tournament in Peru, officials say.


The plane should have landed in the capital, Lima.


However, when the fans realised they would be late for the game, the crew radioed the Peruvian authorities to say the plane was low on fuel.


The plane then made an emergency landing in the northern city of Piura, where the game was taking place.


I tell you what: The day British Cricket fans pull off such a stunt, I promise to learn the rules and follow it forever - pure class :)

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Yes I saw it live on CNN, amazing control and luck the column didn't collapse.

CNN had a busy night tracking Rita, a tornado on the ground further up country (minnisota ?) and the LA incident, riveting stuff !


(Couldn't post it on here as I think Unisol was doing an upgrade, this screen seems very different now)

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