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Hurricane Rita


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It seems to have claimed it's first victims even before it makes landfall:



A bus carrying elderly evacuees from Hurricane Rita has caught fire on a gridlocked motorway, killing up to 24 people, authorities say.

The bus was engulfed in flames, causing a 17-mile (27km) tailback on the Interstate 45 highway, the main route north from the Gulf Coast to Dallas.

Oxygen used by passengers could have contributed to the blaze, a police spokesman told AP news agency.

He said early indications were that the cause of the fire was mechanical.


BBC News.

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Seeing the television images on television today i feel very sorry for the people having run out of gas along the freeway.


However the scientific reality is that warmer seas courtesy of global warning from the biggest polluter in the world is acts as rocket fuel towards the intensity level of these hurricanes and until dubya wises up and cuts greenhouse gas emissions then this will continue to be the case.

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Residents of Texas have now been informed by the Police that in cases of looting the property owners can use deadly force without fear of prosicution

That should help to settle a few ongoing neighbourhood disputes, Texan Style...


I really don't like the US of A and Americans that much, but watching New Orleans gettin battered again is just unbelievable and I fell sorry for whoever is affected down there - can't be nice, having your home flooded, then returning, only to have it flooded again - climate gone crazy...


And the mentioning of China and India is a good point, although a bit off topic: China is storming ahead and everyone is amazed how fast it has become a commercial super power, outputting millions of products a day - yet no-one seems to care that it has virtually no Health and Safety regulations and environmently friendly operation is about as unknown as it was in Europe 100 years ago - that, together with the Yanks still blowing millions of tons of toxic fumes up in the air, is very worrying indeed...

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Why not check with China and India's policy while you are at it? And, I see Tony B is going to back out of the Kyoto Agreement


One of the downsides of treaty in first place lack of foresight for the above nations potential growth in the future so I agree with you on that point. Tony Blairs U turn just another example of the 'special relationship' that we folks have with you folks over the pond. Strange timing for him to declare this don't you think when he's been a passionate advocate of kyoto for years ? Covering for George again? God bless America....

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It's long been the case that politicians have to treat environmental issues with discretion and a good deal of caution - and it isn't always their fault! There are always plenty of people ready to preach about the dangers of greenhouse emmissions and so on but, when it comes down to the detail, they don't really want there to be any kind of adverse effects on the quality of their lives. The vast majority of people do not want to give up their pleasures - whether it be motoring, international travel, or simply having household devices available at the press of a switch without there being too high a cost.

Therefore, since it is that same 'vast majority' who elect the politicans, governments can only proceed very cautiously. The true hypocrisy of the situation is often not that the leaders pay lip-service to the problem, it is that we accuse them of doing so while doing little else ourselves.

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India has the most toxic coast line in the world, most of the worlds old ships are scraped in India and it is done by setting the ships up about 5 miles of the coast and then steaming at full speed they ram the ships up onto the shore line at high tide. The ships are then cut up by thousands of poorly paid locals who have NO health & safety and whos lives are cheap. All the oil, fuel, asbestos and other nasties from the ships are just washed out to see during the cutting up. This is still going on unchecked by the rest of the world and has been doing so for the past 40 years. Fires from these scrap yards are visable from the space station.

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