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Dalby Spook ?


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There's a story about someone I know (and very much trust) who was once travelling across the road generally from "Fort North" towards Castletown and they saw what seemed to be an injured stoat or weasel struggling along the road. Not really the sort of behaviour from a wild animal, but when my friend saw the distressed animal and switched off their Honda scooter's engine, the animal moved towards them and gathered around his ankles. My friend picked the animal up and put it in their scooter luggage box (where there was still a crust of bread from their packed lunch) and they carefully made their way back home with the intention of showing the injured animal to a vet. By the time they'd arrived home, despite their best efforts to seal the box, (to my knowledge it had a fairly sturdy catch that shouldn't, by rights, be able to be opened from inside) the stoat or weasel was nowhere to be found, despite evidence of them munching on the crust of bread that was there.


A (slightly ghost-obsessed) mate of mine suggested that it was an encounter with the famous Gef, but then there were certainly no examples of animals speaking English in this time!

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