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Be Careful What You Put On Your Mobile


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Beheading video man sent to jail BBC News


A man who used his mobile phone to replay footage of a beheading in Iraq to a hotel shop worker has been jailed for 60 days.


Subhaan Younis, 23, played the images to shocked Charlotte McClay last September at a hotel in Glasgow.


Sentencing him at the city's district court, the stipendiary magistrate said he could not understand why Younis had the images on his phone.


Euan Edment said jail was a fitting penalty for the breach of the peace.


The magistrate told Younis: "I struggle to understand why you had images on your phone entailing the death and degradation of another human being, regardless of their religion or race.


"Miss McClay was shocked, upset and distressed by the images. This is a serious offence and something she will remember for a long time, perhaps for the rest of her life."


The magistrate said he did not accept Younis's claim that he had told Miss McClay he was going to show her the beheading and he believed she was interested in seeing it.


The court had heard how Younis, of Baliol Street, Glasgow, had been speaking to Miss McClay in the shop at the Moathouse Hotel in the city's Congress Road on 27 September 2004.


The part-time shop worker said he had downloaded the images onto his mobile phone from the internet.


Defence lawyer Dominic Sillar said: "This was a colossal mistake on Mr Younis's part.


"The incident arose out of a series of misunderstandings. Both had been engaged in a conversation about the Iraq War and he said he would show her something which would cause her sleepless nights and her reply was 'Aye right'.


"He didn't believe he was acting maliciously when he showed her the image. He misunderstood that she might want to view this and she misunderstood what might be shown to her.


"He fully accepts he was responsible for causing her upset. That was not his intention and he apologises for it."


However, the magistrate said he did not consider Younis's evidence to be reliable.


WTF? Too many fried Mars bars or something? I wonder if he had gotten a jail sentence if he had shown her US soldiers shooting people or floating corpses in New Orleans, all material you see on telly everyday...


Shouldn't the courts have more serious stuff to look after? Like, err.., real crime and stuff?

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Beheading video man sent to jail BBC News


WTF? Too many fried Mars bars or something? I wonder if he had gotten a jail sentence if he had shown her US soldiers shooting people or floating corpses in New Orleans, all material you see on telly everyday...


Shouldn't the courts have more serious stuff to look after? Like, err.., real crime and stuff?


I find it bad enough when i switch on my tv to watch the news and see pictures of corpses and i don't really want to see that sort of stuff anyway!

But the fact this guy actually had this on his phone i find digusting!

I certinely wouldn't want to see the video just think about it. This was a living person being beheaded!


People actually have this type of stuff on there phone! No wonder the woman was shocked!

and when people are shot by US soldiers its normally for a good reason and i doubt seeing a peson being shot by US soldiers is as bad as someone having their head cut off.

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Erm sorry Nitro, but the reason most peeps are shot by US soldiers is because they are not US?????????


I do not want to see anyone lose their life.


After a docu on these video'd beheadings I did a quick search and was rapidly moved to a site which would show me toenail extractions, etc; it was a torture site. I quickly moved on, but, Jeez, there is some stuff out there!

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Beheading video man sent to jail BBC News




IPeople actually have this type of stuff on there phone! No wonder the woman was shocked!

and when people are shot by US soldiers its normally for a good reason and i doubt seeing a peson being shot by US soldiers is as bad as someone having their head cut off.


UM? SAY WHAT????????????????

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Errm... does the phrase 'friendly fire' come to mind here?



"Mr President, bad news, I'm afraid. Our soldiers have accidentally killed a couple of Brazilians."

"Oh, my gosh! That's terrible! Errr.... just remind me.... exactly how many is a brazillion?"

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I find it bad enough when i switch on my tv to watch the news and see pictures of corpses and i don't really want to see that sort of stuff anyway!

But the fact this guy actually had this on his phone i find digusting!

I certinely wouldn't want to see the video just think about it. This was a living person being beheaded!


People actually have this type of stuff on there phone! No wonder the woman was shocked!

and when people are shot by US soldiers its normally for a good reason and i doubt seeing a peson being shot by US soldiers is as bad as someone having their head cut off.

Ok, my main point was that it's simply mad, utterly totally mad, to lock someone up for 60 days, only because he showed a video clip on his mobile. Yes, the clip was disturbing, and I have watched videos like this myself, simply out of interest and to try and get the whole picture - not nice, I agree..


But locking someone up, and hence wasting taxpayers time and money, because of this is just insane - the report even says:


"The incident arose out of a series of misunderstandings. Both had been engaged in a conversation about the Iraq War and he said he would show her something which would cause her sleepless nights and her reply was 'Aye right'.


"He didn't believe he was acting maliciously when he showed her the image. He misunderstood that she might want to view this and she misunderstood what might be shown to her.


He didn't hit her, didn't use abusive language - nothing. And any yob gets away with an Asbo for shoplifting and smashing windows? Gimme a break..


As to US soldiers and good reasons to shoot people - well, I'm sure they have good reasons to do so in your universe..

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I find it bad enough when i switch on my tv to watch the news and see pictures of corpses and i don't really want to see that sort of stuff anyway!

But the fact this guy actually had this on his phone i find digusting!

I certinely wouldn't want to see the video just think about it. This was a living person being beheaded!


People actually have this type of stuff on there phone! No wonder the woman was shocked!

and when people are shot by US soldiers its normally for a good reason and i doubt seeing a peson being shot by US soldiers is as bad as someone having their head cut off.

Ok, my main point was that it's simply mad, utterly totally mad, to lock someone up for 60 days, only because he showed a video clip on his mobile. Yes, the clip was disturbing, and I have watched videos like this myself, simply out of interest and to try and get the whole picture - not nice, I agree..


But locking someone up, and hence wasting taxpayers time and money, because of this is just insane




totally agree, it's a disgrace he was locked up for that.


should never have went to court.

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Maybe... but I can't help wondering about the mentality of someone who would not only choose to keep something like that on his phone, but think it suitable to show to someone else. Even if he shouldn't be locked up, I think he needs help.

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Maybe... but I can't help wondering about the mentality of someone who would not only choose to keep something like that on his phone, but think it suitable to show to someone else. Even if he shouldn't be locked up, I think he needs help.


Thats basically what i was thinking having a video like a beheading on your phone is disturbing but to then show it to somebody you don't really know is just stupid!

I find the whole idea of someone wanting to look at violence of any degree disturbing because you must be a violent person to want to view these type of things.

Getting locked up for 60 days is probaly a bit extreme, Maybe a fine or just a warning and the teaching of common sense that not everybody you met likes this sort of thing would have been better!

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