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Public sector want inflation busting rises again


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3 minutes ago, Banker said:

With government finances under pressure, I think the public sector should welcome any pay rise but no doubt taxpayers will have to fund it with more taxes 


It's what the Unions are paid to do, don't knock them for it, join one. As the world marches evermore to the right collective bargaining will become more and more important. 

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They were shouting only a couple of weeks ago that all was quiet and they hadn't heard anything about negotiations or offers.

2% is only the starting block, the wrangling will move upwards, guaranteed.

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8 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

They were shouting only a couple of weeks ago that all was quiet and they hadn't heard anything about negotiations or offers.

2% is only the starting block, the wrangling will move upwards, guaranteed.

And a guaranteed rise in inflation for all of us.

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8 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

2% is only the starting block, the wrangling will move upwards, guaranteed.

Exactly what that waste of space...Ms Faragher...was intimating the other day...




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9 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

They were shouting only a couple of weeks ago that all was quiet and they hadn't heard anything about negotiations or offers.

2% is only the starting block, the wrangling will move upwards, guaranteed.

I’m sure it will and we’ll be paying, the government need to be firmer and say no & use opportunities to cut numbers. Pay rises should be focussed more on lower paid with those on higher getting less.

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15 minutes ago, Andy Onchan said:

And a guaranteed rise in inflation for all of us.

Funny isn’t it, the likes of Tesco, Unilever, and the hedge fund owner of Manx Telecom are both making record coin, but the cause of inflation is civil servants unreasonably wanting to earn the same amount of money next year as they did last year. 

2% fixed for three years is taking the piss when inflation is still riding along at 4-5%. And, as always, remember that inflation is cumulative.

 Civil servants haven’t had an inflation-matching pay rise for years, even last year’s 6% was about half the inflation rate at the time. I think 6% last year was fair but you can’t blame inflation on the people who took a 6% rise when inflation was 12%.

25 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

They were shouting only a couple of weeks ago that all was quiet and they hadn't heard anything about negotiations or offers.

It’s almost as though the government were waiting for inflation rates to temporarily drop- as they always do in spring when fuel costs drop- before announcing a long-term pay deal.

Edited by Ringy Rose
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2 minutes ago, Banker said:

I’m sure it will and we’ll be paying, the government need to be firmer and say no & use opportunities to cut numbers. Pay rises should be focussed more on lower paid with those on higher getting less.

Agree. Any rise needs to be based on departmental staff savings, not further taxes - and not by simply continuing to reduce services or reduce the days services are provided. 

Anymore tax rises and few of the current Tynwald will be re-elected. People have had enough of the failure to address the bloat and inefficiency.

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6 minutes ago, Banker said:

Pay rises should be focussed more on lower paid with those on higher getting less.

I don’t disagree with that, this time around I’d say 4% or £4,000pa- whichever is lower- would be fair.

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2 minutes ago, Albert Tatlock said:

Any rise needs to be based on departmental staff savings, not further taxes - and not by simply continuing to reduce services or reduce the days services are provided. 

Everyone on here wanking on about “bloat and efficiency” never manage to actually explain which staff they’d cut and how they’d do that without affecting service delivery. Funny that.

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2 minutes ago, Ringy Rose said:

Funny isn’t it, the likes of Tesco, Unilever, and the hedge fund owner of Manx Telecom are both making record coin, but the cause of inflation is civil servants unreasonably wanting to earn the same amount of money next year as they did last year. 

2% fixed for three years is taking the piss when inflation is still riding along at 4-5%. And, as always, remember that inflation is cumulative.

It’s almost as though the government were waiting for inflation rates to temporarily drop- as they always do in spring when fuel costs drop- before announcing a long-term pay deal.

It's a fact. It's on record.

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Just now, Ringy Rose said:

Everyone on here wanking on about “bloat and efficiency” never manage to actually explain which staff they’d cut and how they’d do that without affecting service delivery. Funny that.

The whole lot needs restructuring...jobs re-evaluated independently and likely the complete removal of one or more grades.

Its totally out of control. That's from first hand experience. 

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Just now, Andy Onchan said:

It's a fact. It's on record.

What’s a fact? What’s on record?

What IS on record is that the largest items in the inflation record for April- which overall dropped to 2.3% because of temporary fuel cost cuts which are forecast to be reversed by September- are “communication” at 11% and “internet” at 12.4%. 

But sure, tell me more about how it’s not Manx Telecom price-gouging causing inflation.


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