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Public sector want inflation busting rises again


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2 hours ago, thommo2010 said:

Most days they deal with violent disorder. People seem to think the iom is a place nothing happens you'd be very surprised at what doesn't get reported

A typical Friday night in Bride. I wouldn't want to live there.


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4 hours ago, Non-Believer said:

Paperwork and office admin; that's not tougher, certainly physically. When was the last time that IoM Police had to deal with a Southport (or anywhere else) violent riot scenario?

Thankfully the local police don't have to deal with such violent riot scenarios, and neither do the vast majority of rural UK police forces either.  

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2 hours ago, Banker said:

Hewer wants Tynwald recalled to discuss pay, of course he doesn’t care how the large rises are paid for , increased taxes,cuts in services & jobs


Of course rises could be afforded, if IOMG sorts out its priorities, and cuts back on frivolous spending, and endless recruitment of civil servants. What will happen, is what usually happens, whereby, there will be lots of waffle, little serious negotiations followed by industrial action. Then IOMG will cave in to demands, and find the funding for pay rises. 

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And you know they will get the rise, bit of waltzing around make it look good. But look who decides the pay rise, surprise surprise head of civil service. Like them other bunch of clowns when they voted to award themselves 12% rise, bunch of hypercritical shite. People will leave in droves,let em.  They won't merit the kind of money they think they deserve in the private sector.

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There may well be service cuts, as we are already frequently seeing and experiencing.

Strangely though, other than natural wastage, there will be no obvious corresponding job cuts. Just the usual, "re-roling" and "redeployments"...

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1 hour ago, thommo2010 said:

Just wait till the 13 quid per hour minimum wage kicks in next year 

That will probably get kicked down the road as hospitality and other small businesses won’t be able to afford it, thought all government employees got living wage as a minimum anyway.

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