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Alf leads from behind his leadership is non existent.

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I think Alf is a case of, "When you're up to your neck in alligators it can be difficult to remember that your original objective was to drain the swamp".

We still hear breaths from him about the things he laid out when he first came into office; but those breaths are very faint. The alligators are winning at present.

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21 minutes ago, Last Ten said:

Can someone tell me what Alf has positively achieved in his 3 years of so called leadership? Me and my family are all in his constituency and he is not interested in his constituents at all, he is too busy fighting fires in most government departments. He will not be getting any of my families votes if he is brazen enough to stand again at the next general election!

The Cannan's are all bastards,
they have bled us 'till we're white,
they've taken everything we've got
as if it was their right,
and we've got nothing in return
though they make so much fuss,
what have the Cannan's ever done for us?

What have the Cannan's,
what have the Cannan's,
what have the Cannan's ever done for us?

Aquaducts? Nope.

Wine an Fermentation? Nope.

Medicine? Nope.

Cheese? Nope.

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If there is to be a referendum then there should be more than one question asked while the opportunity is out there. Such as     Are you in favour of all Island Voting or Do you think the Legistrative Council should be voted in by the public or anything else that is of interest to the general public.   Either of those would make some people twitch.

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Interesting that Cannan isn’t quite so bothered about a referendum to have a directly elected Chief Minister. It’s almost as though he knows that nobody would vote for his brand of pub tribute act Tory bollocks if the Chief was directly elected.

You look at the MHKs who backed him in the election, not one of them has a functioning brain cell between them. Julie Edge and David Ashford were his biggest cheerleaders ffs.

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On 6/28/2024 at 10:25 PM, Fred the shred said:

Why now ?  why make impassioned speeches, which judging by the photo on the media most of the MHKs looked very underwhelmed, and ask for a referendum now ?   Surely if our great leader thought there should be a referendum on the Dignity in dying bill he could have brought this thought up before the Bill had reached this stage.   Perhaps he thought it would have been thrown out straightaway but as it gathered pace still no mention of a referendum now at the last gasp, no pun intended, he is getting desperate.    I really hope on Monday this suggestion gets dismissed.    He is no leader he just likes getting his own way.   The sooner the next election comes around the better.   

You may well ask. Right now, at this late stage, out of the blue. I think it has the whiff of London interference about it.

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It is comforting that most of CoMin voted against the referendum and didn’t duck out of their duty to stand for what they believed in unlike the yellow bellied back benchers who wanted other people to make the decision for them.    It doesn’t say much for Alf when his chosen ministers do not support him perhaps they are getting as disillusioned with his leadership as the public are.

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Most of those who voted for the referendum are members of the pity party enjoyed by members who think they have had a raw deal somewhere along the line in the last couple of years and are trying to catch Alfred’s eye for another chance.  There is slim chance and no chance as the saying goes.

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This is a clip of a Conservative MP being unhappy with the situation. However, look at his comments and relate those comments to the IoM gov.

"I really shouldn't say this, but I hope all those people that put Liz truss in number 10, I hope it was worth it. I hope it was worth it for the Ministry or Redbox. I hope it was worth it to sit around the cabinet table, because the damage they have done to our party is extraordinary.

I've had enough I've had enough of talentless people putting their tick in the right box not because it's in the National interest but because it's in their own personal interest to achieve ministerial position.

... because there is nothing as ex as an ex-MP"


At least some UK voters had a choice. Here, the choice is bad or not even that good.

And, as it's a Friday evening, I'll throw in a "How much do MHKs pay for parking in Douglas".

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