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Braddan's Demise


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Look up dear boy, look up!



?????????????????????????????? :blink::blink: Nope.. not seeing it...




Are we talking about 'I'm a fire starter, twisted fire starter' or empire building JR, because I'm totally lost here..


Please will someone help me out.. PM me

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Ah.. Phil G, Greg J and Chris S were the three, back in 88 if I remember. They were caught because words were said in the local pub about what they had done to annoy those English developers..




This Island needs MANKS politicians with balls... Silly thing to do, but completely understandable; surprises me we don't see more of this kind of thing going on..

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Most of the type of people who were thus inclined seemed to have left the Island. Probably during one of its declines, in the 1980s. Any remaining beyond then have been assimilated to the FS and now play golf/joined the freemasons/both etc. They are not too discontent with their lot although they have of course lost their spirit.


Others who have not been willing to take it up the arrs by the establishment have had to leave the Island in order to afford a home and lead anything like a decent life.


I dread to think though, what it must be like for a young couple today starting out. Even if they had two decent salaries coming in, I don't know how they would be able to afford a home.


The resurgence of the feelings displayed by Phil the Match & Co. will surely come when things get a little tough again. There is a new breed of Manks since those days who have never in their lives, so far, known hard times.

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The resurgence of the feelings displayed by Phil the Match & Co. will surely come when things get a little tough again. There is a new breed of Manks since those days who have never in their lives, so far, known hard times.


A good quality government working inside a genuine democratic framework should be able to respond to expressions of discontent. This is why the quality and character of local Commissioners, such as Braddan Commissioners, MHKs and Govt Ministers is so important. Democracy needs to work at every level ...it doesnt belong exclusively to the club in Bucks Road.


I would conjecture the Island is handicapped in its political development by reason of the lack of party politics. There is no coherent opposition to take up the cudgels for people who feel disenfranchised and what parties do exist ...seem content to operate outside the political system. This is a shame. If, as you say, there are hard times on the way, the lack of party politics and a coherent opposition may lead to the sort of protest which it seems Mr Gawne was drawn into.

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Yes Nipper, I agree in a way. Not sure they have moved away, well not all of them; as I know several individuals who feel isolated by the oppressive system of control. I do also know people who moved away to their ultimate regret.


Greg Joughin is in the Mollag band I believe, you hear his political nature coming out in their music. I personally like the song called 'Dandaraville'

The guy has a brilliant voice and is definitely a part of a Manks nationalist band if ever there was one, recommend there CD 'Into the tide'…


My personal beef is that I can’t stand to see our Manks way of life being diluted by the English way of doing things, hence my starting this thread on JR. To have an Englishman come over here and tell us (in his actions) that we should do things in a more English way, which he finds so easy because the Manks nation is being slowly assimilated into the UK. To think that our little nation might one day be no more significant than the Isle of Wight… Illiam would turn in his grave.. lol


Reforms are needed, but not by English hands..


Irree magh! Irree magh! My mannanagh mie nish ny dyn dy bragh yn sostnagh shiu gollrish. Er son ar cloan. irree magh.


:) She ;)

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My personal beef is that I can’t stand to see our Manks way of life being diluted by the English way of doing things, hence my starting this thread on JR. To have an Englishman come over here and tell us (in his actions) that we should do things in a more English way, which he finds so easy because the Manks nation is being slowly assimilated into the UK. To think that our little nation might one day be no more significant than the Isle of Wight… Illiam would turn in his grave.. lol


Reforms are needed, but not by English hands..

But isn't that what the English have always done - move into a country and colonise it. They never assimulate with the native population, they always arrive, criticise and enforce their way of life. No matter where they live they always want to reproduce a little England. I'm afraid if you're looking for reforms here you're going to be let down. The top (enforcing) jobs are all going to non-Manx and they bring their mates in! Forget the Government doing anything for you, they're all looking after their pensions!! I hope for everyones sake the situation of the 80's don't return. But Manx folk were grumbling and protesting in the mid to late 70's, (the era of PG) I remember a paper that was handed round at the time, I suppose it was the manxforum of it's day, I can remember printing about 200 on my gestetner at work in one of the Government departments and handing it out at Laxey Fayre! Nothing happened then, no one did anything, economic gloom was predicted, Government ignored the predictions and the 80's arrived! FGS start protesting about the cost of living here, get on to your MHK, call meetings, refuse to pay the increases in electricity and gas, especially the increases caused by the incompetance of the MEA. The average annual cost per household of gas in the UK (according to the Independent last week) is £385! Even on the motorway you are only paying 97p for petrol!!

I started this comment in apathy and now I've got myself all worked up! That's living on the Isle of Mann for ya!! :(

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But isn't that what the English have always done - move into a country and colonise it. They never assimulate with the native population, they always arrive, criticise and enforce their way of life. No matter where they live they always want to reproduce a little England.


Hopefully not. Admittedly my husband is a Manxman but I am English and would hate to see the Island turned into a little England.


I remember a paper that was handed round at the time, I suppose it was the manxforum of it's day, I can remember printing about 200 on my gestetner at work in one of the Government departments and handing it out at Laxey Fayre!


Yes I think that culture has gone. I also think the culture of public meetings has gone.


FGS start protesting about the cost of living here, get on to your MHK, call meetings, refuse to pay the increases in electricity and gas, especially the increases caused by the incompetance of the MEA. The average annual cost per household of gas in the UK (according to the Independent last week) is £385! Even on the motorway you are only paying 97p for petrol!!

I started this comment in apathy and now I've got myself all worked up! That's living on the Isle of Mann for ya!! :(

This was my earlier point about coherent opposition and the lack of party politics. It is aways much easier to bring about reforms from inside a system than it is from outside.

Dont get worked up ..get organised

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FGS start protesting about the cost of living here, get on to your MHK, call meetings, refuse to pay the increases in electricity and gas, especially the increases caused by the incompetance of the MEA. The average annual cost per household of gas in the UK (according to the Independent last week) is £385! Even on the motorway you are only paying 97p for petrol!!

I started this comment in apathy and now I've got myself all worked up! That's living on the Isle of Mann for ya!! :(

This was my earlier point about coherent opposition and the lack of party politics. It is aways much easier to bring about reforms from inside a system than it is from outside.

Dont get worked up ..get organised


Good Idea - let's start the ManxForums Party! Free thinking citizens working for a better Island..


Could be a world-first: An Internet based and founded party influencing the way a nation is being run - with all the different kinds of knowledge, expertise and backgrounds found here, it could well be a viable idea...


-snip- My personal beef is that I can’t stand to see our Manks way of life being diluted by the English way of doing things, hence my starting this thread on JR. To have an Englishman come over here and tell us (in his actions) that we should do things in a more English way, which he finds so easy..-snip-

Oh dear, that's my political career gone then - I won't make it past the beach.


"Couldn't we do a few things the German way? I mea..." BANG!

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Good Idea - let's start the ManxForums Party! Free thinking citizens working for a better Island..


Could be a world-first: An Internet based and founded party influencing the way a nation is being run - with all the different kinds of knowledge, expertise and backgrounds found here, it could well be a viable idea...


I vote Steven for Party Leader and Zombie Dave for party president

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