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Quitting tobacco and nicotine products? Not yet

Moghrey Mie

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Can we at least ban it in public places then.  Its disgusting.

If people want to do it on their own homes let them crack on, but double the tax and ban it everywhere else.

link below shows what other places are doing.


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I can't see it happening. It will criminalise 10% of the population within 15 years, not just tobacco smokers, but those doing cannabis etc. And it will create a massive black market.

...then add all the confusion at e.g. TT when people from different countries arrive.

Kick it into touch.

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1 hour ago, Roger Ram said:

Can we at least ban it in public places then.  Its disgusting.

Picking your nose in public places is disgusting, as is scratching your arse etc.

And openly reading the Daily Mail

Edited by The Voice of Reason
Addition of last paragraph
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Just now, Roger Ram said:

The level of disgustingness there depends on what order you do those things in.

Nether of those things have as big an impact on other people as smoking in public.

Well I’d probably prefer seeing someone smoking than picking their nose. I guess each has their own least favoured activity.

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