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Plastic Surgery


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I'm going to get my horribly large deformed chin transformed into something smaller and perfect, so that I can find somebody who is prepared to have sex with me.


Then, when I have a child with that person, and it pops out with a horribly large deformed chin inheritted from me, I'll act all surprised and shout "WHAT IS THIS FREAK THAT YOU GIVEN BIRTH TO? IT CAN'T BE MINE, FOR I AM BEAUTIFUL AND THIS IS AN UGLY LITTLE C*NT!"


And so the cruel circle of life continues.

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never. people who do should be slapped for being so shallow.


unless itrs for say, after an accident, or reconstructing a skull.


but having boobs done for the sake of having bigger/smaller/perter/rounder boobs is just shallow beyond belief.



Please tell me, how is having a boob reduction shallow? No longer suffering from severe back pain and neck pain or having welts on your shoulders because your boobs are too heavy for your bra or not having to hunch forward when sitting down and thereby having better posture and less risk of suffering from curvature of the spine - how is that shallow?


Stop being so ignorant.

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never. people who do should be slapped for being so shallow.


unless itrs for say, after an accident, or reconstructing a skull.


but having boobs done for the sake of having bigger/smaller/perter/rounder boobs is just shallow beyond belief.



Please tell me, how is having a boob reduction shallow? No longer suffering from severe back pain and neck pain or having welts on your shoulders because your boobs are too heavy for your bra or not having to hunch forward when sitting down and thereby having better posture and less risk of suffering from curvature of the spine - how is that shallow?


Stop being so ignorant.


My Mate had a breast reduction due to the fact that they where causing discomfort and stopping her in many ways with getting on with everyday life.


She also battled with the idea that it was being shallow and all that crap. I dont agree i think its fine in certain ways.


I think its shallow if you do it to get you ahead in life.


But i love big boobies :D fake or real ;)

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Why shouldn't someone have plastic surgery to make themselves look better? Its often quite severe surgery so you must really feel that you need that improvement. However, I do agree that the plastic surgery addictos that you see on the various TV progs are quite pathetic and too much or bad surgery makes you look, well, plastic!

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never. people who do should be slapped for being so shallow.


unless itrs for say, after an accident, or reconstructing a skull.


but having boobs done for the sake of having bigger/smaller/perter/rounder boobs is just shallow beyond belief.



Please tell me, how is having a boob reduction shallow? No longer suffering from severe back pain and neck pain or having welts on your shoulders because your boobs are too heavy for your bra or not having to hunch forward when sitting down and thereby having better posture and less risk of suffering from curvature of the spine - how is that shallow?


Stop being so ignorant.


im not being ignorant. its a simple matter of having no patience for shallow people. if you want a reduction, first trey losing weight. then go for the reduction if it doesnt work. however, i never said im against surgery for what i consider to be real reasons. back pain would be one of those. to have a reduction for aesthetic purposes would be shallow, to have it done for the sake of saving your back is not.


i suggest you stop being ignorant, and start reading post PROPERLY before kicking off.

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if you want a reduction, first trey losing weight. then go for the reduction if it doesnt work.


Why do you think I said once i've lost the weight i will have it. And I have lost the weight before, and my boobs do not get any smaller - i've been that way since I was 15 - genetics have alot to answer for!!!


i never said im against surgery for what i consider to be real reasons. back pain would be one of those.


Actually, I believe you said, and I quote...............


never. people who do should be slapped for being so shallow.


unless itrs for say, after an accident, or reconstructing a skull.


but having boobs done for the sake of having bigger/smaller/perter/rounder boobs is just shallow beyond belief.



where does that say "real reasons" - you have only stated two reasons, and I believe an accident or skull reconstruction is not in this category - then you go on to say that having them made smaller is shallow beyond belief - at what point was I supposed to think - oh but he doesn't mean that if it hurts your back!!



i suggest you stop being ignorant, and start reading post PROPERLY before kicking off.


I believe that I did so - maybe you should re-read your posts before replying :P

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well, i think ALL titties are great, big or small. what about the saying, "anymore than a mouth fulls a waste"??

most of the men i know, love huge chest pillows. if your a lady getting back ache, go to a chiropractor and get him to sort your back out, and keep your partner happy. dont reduce their size, as he might go off with somebody else!!!!!


face it ladies, if a man had a huge knob, you'd have a good look at it. but if he had a little pecker, you wouldn't even give him the time of day!!!!! :P

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