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IOM Constabulary recruitment


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£32k is not unreasonable for a fully qualified Constable once they are through probation. The problem here is perception of their ability. It seems almost every time there is a half interesting “job” come up, half the relief turns out, and it turns into a pseudo episode of Inside The Force..except that is based in Middlesborough where the average constable there not only deals with more incidents in one shift than one here would do in a week, but there they are mainly absolutely hard nutters off their tits on meth.

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I wouldn’t fancy being in the police. It’s not like it is on the TV. Mostly you’ll spend your time babysitting drunk or drugged up adults. You’re never called in for happy reasons - either someone has died, or been injured, or been robbed whatever. At least in my line of work I get some wins - the police work hard on something and at the end of it either the case gets dropped, or they receive abuse from relatives/lawyers/social media warriors. 

They deserve very decent pay in my opinion. 

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8 hours ago, thommo2010 said:

What are some of these perks you speak of 😆 

Retirement at 55.

I seem to recall two new and shiny Plonks came out of training and after a few months of schlepping around the mean streets of Douglas they left the force.

That tells me the training failed to prepare them for the reality of the role...

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I wouldn't be a Police Officer these days for a kings ransom ! The post from Wrighty above encapsulates all that is wrong with it as an occupation. The 'antis' will bash you in the press and everywhere they can, until of course they need you, then they'll call you and expect you to fall on their side no matter the circumstances. 

All respect for the uniform has gone and this makes the job more challenging than ever, with ever younger people willing to bait and indeed assault you. Senior officers who have never done a days Police work in their lives get promoted to high rank, and have no idea what a beat officer does nor how the streets are nowadays.

Perhaps the Police only have themselves to blame, but whatever the circumstances, difficulty in recruitment should come as no surprise to anyone.

Nope wouldn't be for me !

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1 hour ago, P.K. said:

Retirement at 55.

I seem to recall two new and shiny Plonks came out of training and after a few months of schlepping around the mean streets of Douglas they left the force.

That tells me the training failed to prepare them for the reality of the role...

That is long gone, maybe for older officers on the 30 year deals they could retire at that age (or younger) but the time to put in now is close to 40 years before retiring. If you are in the pension scheme you pay nearly 15% of your wage into it 

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1 hour ago, Maugholdmafia said:

Sounds like an ideal time to be a criminal on the Isle of Man.

For any crime except selling £50 of coke to someone in the pub. 


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  • 4 weeks later...
1 hour ago, Maugholdmafia said:

I suppose you have a slightly better chance of not being sacked by refusing to give a breath test and then trying to get off on a technicality on why you refused to give a sample. How many is that now in the last 3 or 4 years? Must be at least 5. 

Edited by Clinton Baptiste
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