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School Mobile Phone Bans


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These don’t work as unless the schools are prepared to have a constant battle, they just end up giving in.

The best thing a school could do would be getting the parents not to allow the kids to have them on them at all. 


Edited by Bill1977
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Useful for kids who have separated parents and a relaxed custody situation a phone. "I'm staying at yours by the way" text at 1545 can be a handy thing. In my day payphones were common. But if parents think their kids need a phone immediately after school then it's on them to make sure the kids know the rules and abide by them.

My kid takes his phone to school some days. He has been told the rules. If he gets it confiscated he's getting no support whatsoever from his parents, that would be a lesson he decided to learn by being stupid.

People are sickeningly desperate to have things banned, all the fucking time.

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I don't see why they can't just ban them in lessons. In our day there were several things banned in lessons - eating, smoking, swearing etc - all sorts of things you could do at break but not while teacher was talking. 

Is that so hard?

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You've got to back it up and enforce it though Wrighty, and the schools don't want to take the kids on. They don't have the power and authority anymore. The suspension figures would be off the charts when the kids refuse to comply. Schools let phones into the classroom (Encouraged it against all common sense) and now you can't put the genie back in the bottle.

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The 3fm story says “the move follows feedback from parents, staff and education professionals”

So when will the board or education or the school be publishing all this feedback it’s allegedly had? 

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On arrival at school, the children put their switched off phones into sealed named bags in a secure area and don't get them back till the end of the school day.

Those using their phones within school time is an issue which is best left to those who deal with consequences for their ideas.

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3 hours ago, TheTeapot said:

Useful for kids who have separated parents and a relaxed custody situation a phone. "I'm staying at yours by the way" text at 1545 can be a handy thing. In my day payphones were common. But if parents think their kids need a phone immediately after school then it's on them to make sure the kids know the rules and abide by them.

My kid takes his phone to school some days. He has been told the rules. If he gets it confiscated he's getting no support whatsoever from his parents, that would be a lesson he decided to learn by being stupid.

People are sickeningly desperate to have things banned, all the fucking time.

Thereby lies the problem. There's a growing trend for "parents" to blame the school for things they themselves should have instilled into the children. School is there for them to be educated and mobile phones are a major distraction

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7 minutes ago, Sign in said:

On arrival at school, the children put their switched off phones into sealed named bags in a secure area and don't get them back till the end of the school day.

Those using their phones within school time is an issue which is best left to those who deal with consequences for their ideas.

so hundreds of kids putting phones in bags  and getting them back twice a day for those that leave school premises at lunch time as the school have no right to keep your phone from you off school premises  isn't going to take much time to achieve every day is it ?

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