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School Mobile Phone Bans


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19 hours ago, Non-Believer said:

And one might wonder what formal and relevant qualifications this collection of "worthies" and double-dippers might have for these lofty posts because I can see names there who rather than administering anything to do with education, could actually do with receiving some.

There will be some who have long interest or relevant experience (I've a feeling Barbara Brereton may even have been on the old Board of Ed), but what is noticeable is just how, as more and more of these advisory boards are created. fewer and fewer individuals are involved.  If you look at the new HSCC it's similar sort of people and even long-standing organisations, such as the Trustees of MNH there's mostly the same mix of retired high-level public servants and ex-MHKs (indeed Quentin Gill's on both).

Presumably these are the only people who they can rely on to behave in the correct manner - to give the impression of governance while agreeing to everything put before them.  Those asking awkward questions, having external skills and knowledge, suggesting genuine alternatives and so on will not be welcome.

In a sense it's the same process we see with Tynwald.  LegCo in particular is now the same sort of organisation.  And there are many current elected MHKs who are happy to go along with the system which gives them a sizeable salary, all sorts of perks and flatteries and keeps them busy enough to feel they are doing something, while taking away the stress of making decisions or really doing much.

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1 hour ago, lfc84 said:

Thhis is one of the most ridicullous statements I have ever read

Minister Caine says the policy won't come into force from the start of the new school year as she wants to make sure parents/guardians and students have been communicated with properly.



For some reason I imagine this communication to be via the medium of an interpretive dance troupe lead by Daffers at the school gates. 

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There will still be teachers who will sit at the front on the class on their laptop playing Candy Crush who will allow 'phone use in their class.

'But Miss/Sir lets us use them in their class' and 'we used them last time' being the cries heard elsewhere in the school - if it was true or not.

After the 1st week when the regular slackers are off 'on stress' or 'sick' leave because the builders are in, or the house in Cyprus needs decorating, the cover staff will have to deal with it - often just sitting back and letting it ride.  They're on £250 a day, why have the bother.

It'll descend into a farce. 

Entitled parents will be storming the school offices demanding to speak to their entitled offspring and bombarding MHKs with emails.

The papers will print stories of little Juan, Alice or Eco-Sundrop Mellon Dew being bullied by staff because they have a 'phone because they are waiting for a label, that suits them, to be applied to their brat so they can have a 'phone in school to call their Therapist.  (or Gran because Mum and Dad are not up yet to answer his/her/their/them/other calls).

Too little, too late by CV boosting nancy-pamby, looney, lefty, pinko, wasters on senior teacher salary points.



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1 hour ago, x-in-man said:

There will still be teachers who will sit at the front on the class on their laptop playing Candy Crush who will allow 'phone use in their class.

'But Miss/Sir lets us use them in their class' and 'we used them last time' being the cries heard elsewhere in the school - if it was true or not.

After the 1st week when the regular slackers are off 'on stress' or 'sick' leave because the builders are in, or the house in Cyprus needs decorating, the cover staff will have to deal with it - often just sitting back and letting it ride.  They're on £250 a day, why have the bother.

It'll descend into a farce. 

Entitled parents will be storming the school offices demanding to speak to their entitled offspring and bombarding MHKs with emails.

The papers will print stories of little Juan, Alice or Eco-Sundrop Mellon Dew being bullied by staff because they have a 'phone because they are waiting for a label, that suits them, to be applied to their brat so they can have a 'phone in school to call their Therapist.  (or Gran because Mum and Dad are not up yet to answer his/her/their/them/other calls).

Too little, too late by CV boosting nancy-pamby, looney, lefty, pinko, wasters on senior teacher salary points.



Are you Banker?

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It will need to have school senior management/DofE leadership back their staff for once for once and not roll over at the first wave of complaints. It’s the way the kids use the phones that really becomes a flashpoint. 

Use a device to listen to music in ear buds whilst working is far more palatable than playing games, taking selfies or snap chatting. Due to the latter brigade everyone will suffer, but really there’s no real place for smart phones in a classroom.

We managed to learn without them in the past. Kids can’t handle any tech these days. iPads for research are inevitably used to take photos and laptops for playing games. 

Printed worksheets with information, a textbook, info on the board, a short video on the projector and the teacher to hoover up the rest of the queries should do the job. Asking a friend for help isn’t out of the question either.

Just keep those damm ‘smartphones’ out of the classroom and out of schools altogether.

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2 hours ago, Whiskey said:

£250 a day? I’m in the wrong job. Or that’s bobbins. 

It's bobbins. The annual  salary Is £38933 to £49753 (depending on skills & experience). Pay is pro rated to hours worked.

Its a zero hours contract.


Someone at top rate working 10 hours a day could theoretically earn £250 in a day-ish. Given that they're always off playing golf or doing up their houses, it seems highly unlikely though.

Edited by piebaps
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