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Jurby Airport?


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3 hours ago, Omobono said:

Only thing to come out of this saga is Alf and Tim Johnson   don't have a clue whats going on in their own constituency  make you wonder whet else is going on  in government  that they that they claim to know nothing about  , 

obviously asleep at the wheel both of them , and the civil servants  should be hauled over the coals for keeping them in the dark ,  what a shambles !

But they like being kept in the dark!  The last thing they want is responsibility.  Sam Turton's account of the meeting is quite devasting on Cannan's cluelessness - simply be reporting what he said:

Chief Minister Alf Cannan has said he was in the dark over the plans to zone land around Jurby Airfield.

At a meeting on Monday night, airport director Gary Cobb said there is no plans to build a new airport at Jurby, but it is “prudent” to protect land around it in case of a future need.

Speaking at the meeting, Mr Cannan, who is also the MHK for Ayre and Michael, said himself and Tim Johnston, the constituency’s other MHK, were “deeply concerned about what we have seen”.

He said: “I can tell you we met last week with the chief executive, with the airport’s director and various other senior officers and after that meeting it was agreed by the senior officers that this proposal would be lifted from the area plan and would be dealt with under the airport master plan.

I want to reassure you that we as constituency MHKs are taking this matter extremely seriously.”

Mr Cannan told the meeting that the draft area plan process is “independent” so the MHKs look at areas of primary concern, but are not deeply involved.

He said: “In terms of this map, we got presented with this map a few weeks before, so Council of Ministers actually saw it, in a ministerial capacity, an information document came through council, it wasn’t a matter for voting, it was an information document and this restrains map was contained within that.

“So like everybody else, at the same time as you saw it, I was also reading through the documentation to understand what was in there and what impacts it would have on the local area.”

However, Mr Cannan said that on his initial reading, he didn’t have any concerns about the map or any plans for Jurby, it was only on later reading he saw the problems.

He said: “In terms of the way it has been presented, I think we can all agree, particularly from an MHK perspective, it has not been handled well it would have been great if we had been told well in advance that there were definitive plans for a runway but we saw this at the same time as it was coming through the planning inquiry process.”

Mr Cannan then clarified he did not mean that there is a definitive plan for a runway and that he was referring to the strategic zoning plans.

It's not just that he's admitting that he didn't realise the potential problems of documents that he admits he saw.  Even when the row blew up he didn't understand  what situation was - and he clearly doesn't still.  And this is about something fairly straightforward and that shouldn't be causing anyone any genuine worries. 

It should be his job to explain this to his constituents and the island as a whole.  But he can't because he is clueless and has surrounded himself with people just as clueless to make himself feel comfortable.

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12 hours ago, Maugholdmafia said:

Is the airport masterplan a public document? And if so when will it be published?

I asked the same a few weeks ago to which there was no reply - clearly top secret 'Parish Council Eyes (and cling-ons) Only'.

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39 minutes ago, Utah 01 said:

I asked the same a few weeks ago to which there was no reply - clearly top secret 'Parish Council Eyes (and cling-ons) Only'.

I am led to believe that a copy was sent to all airport employees earlier this year, but there were strict instructions for it not to be shared.

Seeing as not everyone who works at the airport is a management fan, and the management themselves know that, I’m surprised it hasn’t appeared somewhere or other in it’s entirety.

As it will undoubtably contain visions for the airport in the future (for that is what a masterplan is) it really should be publicly available. I had a look online just now and can see that many airports have their masterplans available online. LGW and NCL were the two that immediately popped up during my search.

I do recall seeing somewhere  (in a news article most likely) that it was referred to as a draft  - perhaps this is the excuse they will use for not making it public yet - ‘when it’s finished we’ll publish it’.

However, it seems from the recent debacle that it is more than just a draft as they are acting on its content.

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2 hours ago, madmanxpilot said:

I do recall seeing somewhere  (in a news article most likely) that it was referred to as a draft  - perhaps this is the excuse they will use for not making it public yet - ‘when it’s finished we’ll publish it’.

However, it seems from the recent debacle that it is more than just a draft as they are acting on its content.

Not really.  Even at draft stage they might want to have some sort of input to the North and West Plan.  They probably thought it would be one of the least controversial bits - as it should be, really.  It's the incompetent handling by Cabinet Office that has caused all the ructions.  If they'd emphasised it's about stopping development rather than building anything new, there wouldn't have been the same fuss.

Presumably the Airport Plan is still at the stage where it's being internally reviewed before going out to wider consultation.  The previous one seems to date from 2004 (at least the Jurby stuff did), which pre-dates even Reynolds and confirms again how much things fell apart during her time, not just immediately after.

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6 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

The previous one seems to date from 2004 (at least the Jurby stuff did), which pre-dates even Reynolds and confirms again how much things fell apart during her time, not just immediately after.

Jurby was mentioned in this report on page 23:



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10 hours ago, dreamon said:

Interesting. This report has now been removed from Tynwald's website. Message me if you would like a copy.

The data on the Tynwald website was all inaccessible yesterday(and the day before), so you couldn't get hold of Questions, Hansards, Reports and the rest.  Same thing happened last week - I assume they're doing work on it, though I'm not sure they've finished.  

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  • 4 weeks later...
14 minutes ago, Andy Onchan said:

What an absolute dog's breakfast!


Is it no wonder IOM CS come in for some stick?

(I didn't bother listening to Gawne droning on, the news report was enough to cause anyone to take to the bottle!)

I got through about a minute of Gawne before realising that, not only was he annoying, he didn't have much idea what he was talking about.  Manx Radio are treating this as some sort of 'gotcha' on CoMin, but it isn't that so much as demonstrating how poorly DoI was at sorting out its documentation and how bad the media people are at reacting.  Cannan was also completely clueless, but we knew that.

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3 hours ago, Andy Onchan said:

What an absolute dog's breakfast!


Is it no wonder IOM CS come in for some stick?

(I didn't bother listening to Gawne droning on, the news report was enough to cause anyone to take to the bottle!)

'Ronaldsway Airport Director Gary Cobb says: "The current runway at Ronaldsway is bound by the A5 and the sea which makes extending it near impossible".'


Anne Reynolds certainly didn't think that when it had the same constraints last time!

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11 hours ago, Mercenary said:

'Ronaldsway Airport Director Gary Cobb says: "The current runway at Ronaldsway is bound by the A5 and the sea which makes extending it near impossible".

I have no doubt that the runway could be extended into the sea. The issues would include the cost of the engineering required and any adverse environmental impact. 

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