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Ian Huntley -- Witch. (at Our Expense)


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A very shrewed and clever man, a devious evil bastard, someone who is criminally insane, or a combination of them all.


Ian huntley is formally studying Witchcraft – or more precisely The Wicca whilst in jail. And at our expense as the fees, books, etc. are paid for by the prison from our taxes.


As part of his training / learning huntley will use a prison ‘instruction’ book again paid for by US that tells him that he “will learn the inner principles and secrets of Witchcraft” and “will develop a broad range of powerful magickal skills.”.


It continues that he will “ --- learn how to weave spells, work magic, create rituals, celebrate Wiccan festivals, bring yourself into alignment with the deepest forces at work in this Universe andon this planet.”

“You will join a Circle of the Wise - Witchcraft - Coven. Wicca is a Mystery tradition of Priestesses and Priests. You will be working towards initiation into this tradition.”


Additionally Wiccan adepts regularly visit prisons to council prisoners taking this course –no doubt with at least expenses paid for from our taxes.


So apart from just what stupid idiotic politically correct cretin in yet another example of profligacy with public taxes accepted this course on the prison syllabus of acceptable training courses for criminals especially the pathologically psychopathic examples of crypto-humanity that in all decency should have been at best left in some dark dank rat infested modern day version of an oubliette to rot in the absence of the presence of decent capital punishment, who the hell was so idiotic to let huntley of all of them start on this path?


I can just hear the first of the appeals now. “But yer ‘onner, of COURSE he’s insane – just look at what he’s got up to now – he’s becoming a WITCH! An’ that just CAN’T be sane, can it? Of COURSE we should let ‘im go to a secure hospital with the emphasis on treatment rather than punishment”. And some stupid left wing socially-(ir)responsible do-gooder will get vocal and the next thing we know it will have been done and hunley, rather than rotting in a pit of his own filth will be doing ‘soft-time’ along with other scum that should have been slaughtered as would have been done to an animal that showed the same behaviour to its own let alone human beings.


Huntley, 30, knows he is one of the most hated men in the prison system.

The latest death threat was slipped under his cell door while he was on D wing, warning: 'Get out of here or you are a dead man.'

Terrified huntley was permitted to go straight back to the hospital wing ‘due to stress’.


Huntley told one jail source: “If I don’t do something then I am going to end up dying in this xxxx hole.”

“I can't imagine another 50 years rotting in prison with no hope of ever being released.”


The self-obsessed killer even blames police - who failed to uncover his sordid past when he applied for his school caretaker job in Soham - for the deaths of Holly and Jessica.


Now I’ve met a few Wiccans over the years and although some of them have seemed to me to be – let us leave it as ‘slightly eccentric’ -- they have for the most part been thoroughly decent people with a morality that if anything was more socially responsible than most who follow a more conventional path. For one thing I just can not see huntley fitting in with ‘the Witches reed’ let alone into their company – unless you were to include some of the sad, bad, and plainly mad that claim to follow ‘The Left Hand Path’.


Training has its place within the prison system and yet although we can waste money on courses such as how to become a Witch we are unable to find money for drug rehabilitation schemes for prisoners. Someone somewhere needs to be shaken by the ears and replaced by someone else who will use a bit of common sense – and let’s bring back capital punishment whilst we’re at it. If huntley is so keen to become involved with the occult then send him straight to hell and let him get his knowledge and skills by ‘on the job’ training and not at our expense.


Society has paid far too high a price for the existence of huntley already.


One (of many) sources -- http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/tm_objec...-name_page.html

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Society has paid far too high a price for the existence of huntley already


Ain't that the truth.


Hopefully someone will finish the evil scumbag off.

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Ian huntley is formally studying Witchcraft – or more precisely The Wicca whilst in jail.  And at our expense as the fees, books, etc. are paid for by the prison from our taxes.


I wasn't aware any manx taxes went to pay for the english prisons?

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If a person is mentally ill and murders someone, should attempts be made to cure them?


Is there a dividing line between mad and bad?




To both.


Well actually there is.


I hear about crimes like Huntleys or Shipman or whatever and I immediately think "Well, they have to be absolutely nuts!". The issue is where do you draw the line? Of course, if you are sane and guilty you go to prison for life and if you are insane and guilty you go away to a secure mental institution for life. Spot the difference?


So Huntley is reading stuff in his cell. So what? I don't care where he lays the blame for his crimes as long as he stays inside and rots. Amen to that...

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its a waste of time and money, the bastard should be hung, bring back the death penalty for monsters like him.


Unfortunately the judicial system is run by humans with all the frailty and fallability that goes with the condition. This means the system will inevitably get it wrong ie you can never retain the moral high ground. At best that makes the death penalty legalised murder and at worst revenge plain and simple. Either way both are unsustainable to a civilised society. IMHO of course.

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If a person is mentally ill and murders someone, should attempts be made to cure them?

No, in my opinion, particularly if you mean to cure them and let them back into society. Sane or insane, people who take the life of another human being, especially the life of a child, should be punished and put away for the rest of their lives, whether it be in a prison or a mental institute. Ian Huntley is just pure evil, he knew exactly what he was doing when he murdered those poor children.

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