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Ian Huntley -- Witch. (at Our Expense)


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It'd be great to be able to screen out the nonces, murderers etc of the world before they committed the crime but it's just not possible. I think people using "insanity" in cases like this is a bloody great cop out if you ask me, these people are just pure wicked and evil monsters who have no respect for human life. I can't imagine a worse crime than taking the life of a child. It's ok to say they must be some sort of nutcase to do such hideous things in the first place but they know exactly what they are doing and should be punished accordingly, not helped. Personally I'd vote to publically stone him to death.

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It's ok to say they must be some sort of nutcase to do such hideous things in the first place


Errr.... no it isn't ok but the possibility exists that they could be insane.


they know exactly what they are doing and should be punished accordingly, not helped.


As you can't read Huntley's mind this is pure speculation.


Huntley is not going to the unit to be helped. Profiling has been going on for quite a while now and anything they can dredge out of his "mind" is going to help. Also don't make the assumption that they have a genetic disorder that can be screened somehow. It is far more likely to be down to the way they have been dragged up. But this is speculation as well. At least trying to find correlations might move it forward. Surely better than doing nothing.

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Personally I'd vote to publically stone him to death.


Forget the electric chair, that's a much better idea and it would take longer for him to die.

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As you can't read Huntley's mind this is pure speculation.

Did I assume that they have a genetic disorder that could be screened???? I think not! I spoke figuratively in response to Jays comment about finding out if we could detect what makes people commit such a hideous crime, genetic disorder was used as an example to illustrate the point I was making. I couldn't care less if Ian Huntley is insane, he still committed a terrible, disgusting crime. And as far as I'm concerned by moving him to such a unit is helping him because he's then out of reach of other inmates who could do away with the scumbag. Plead insanity, ease your conscience and more or less get away lightly with what you've done!


If I had a pound for every time you made a comment about people reading yours or others minds I'd be retired by now, living on a yacht in the Canaries.

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It is far more likely to be down to the way they have been dragged up. But this is speculation as well.


Dragged up? Well, yes quite...


But some ppl get over it and lead normal lives.


However, something in our society makes it "acceptable" to be a "victim".


And in the likes of Huntleys case it gives him the opportunity to avoid responsibility for the rest of his life. (And let's face it: many people of no criminal notoriety 'enjoy' this known fact, so we should not be suprised when a prisoner decides to dine out on it??!)


The guy is just waving two fingers up, and ppl are buying it, on whatever level.


Part of imprisonment should include total exclusion of press involvement. Might make the whole deal less appealing to them - at the moment it can be the ultimate ride, their "best case scenario"...

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If a person is mentally ill and murders someone, should attempts be made to cure them?

No, in my opinion, particularly if you mean to cure them and let them back into society. Sane or insane, people who take the life of another human being, especially the life of a child, should be punished and put away for the rest of their lives, whether it be in a prison or a mental institute. Ian Huntley is just pure evil, he knew exactly what he was doing when he murdered those poor children.



Yeah! That's what I think too!




No, I don't actually.


I wonder if your logic would similarly apply should the murderer be - say - the father of my child (my partner) who had beaten the man who had sytematically abused, then raped, and murdered our daughter? Would you have him also spend the rest of his life in prison? The father of my dead child? The son of two already grieving grandparents? The one person I would want by my side to get me through?


I'm genuinely asking what you and others think - because everytime I hear these sweeping statements I can't help but think that things are never so clear cut. So black and white. There are always so many shades of grey.


I know you lot think I'm a mamby pamby left wing 'do -gooder' (Vader™) but bloody hell, if someone didn't play devil's advocate sometimes, then some of you lot on here would have em all banged up to rights wiv no questions asked. Guv.


And sometimes questions do have to be asked.


No offence meant to Minnie personally btw..

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I wonder if your logic would similarly apply should the murderer be - say - the father of my child (my partner) who had beaten the man who had sytematically abused, then raped, and murdered our daughter?  Would you have him also spend the rest of his life in prison?  The father of my dead child? The son of two already grieving grandparents?  The one person I would want by my side to get me through?

No offence taken, Rox. With all due respect we're not talking about a "revenge" killing here, we're talking about an evil man who, whether he be sane or insane, committed the horrendous crime of murdering 2 children. I see the point you're making about how I said anybody who takes another's life should spend the rest of their days behind bars but I'm talking about cold-blooded evil shi*ts like Ian Huntley, the scenario you give is quite different. If someone murdered one of my children and I had the chance to kill them, I'd do it without a second thought.

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Just to clarify.


I was not for one minute defending the crimes committed by Ian Huntly. Only to ask that you think that there are times where there is more to consider than the crime itself.

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And even for a 'revenge killing' - even using my scenario - my husband would be guilty of taking a life?


What do you think might be a fitting punishment in those circumstances?

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Stoning Ian Huntley to death or burning him alive or slowly torturing him to a long and hideously painful demise is going to do nothing to stop more of his ilk doing the same sort of thing time and again.


I cannot begin to imagine the anguish of the parents of those kids he murdered and I hope to god i never will.


If there is a chance that by investigating his background, trying to find what makes him tick, anything at all that may give a clue to what makes people like him act the way they do, it's maybe possible that one day it will be discovered how best to identify likely offenders. That's got to be better than doing away with him just to satisfy the blood lust of a few hundred Sun readers.

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Stoning Ian Huntley to death or burning him alive or slowly torturing him to a long and hideously painful demise is going to do nothing to stop more of his ilk doing the same sort of thing time and again.

Well it would make me feel better if it was my children he'd murdered! Like I said, unless everybody is screened it's going to be pretty hard to detect people like him until it's too late and the crime's been committed.


Rox, I personally don't know how to answer your question. I realise my statement was "sweeping" but it was meant in the context of this thread ie evil people like Ian Huntley. If your scenario had happened I think your husband would have to be punished in some way as he has taken a life, but consideration should be taken into account with regards the situation. I'm not sure what the punishment should be, but certainly not anything that's been suggested for Ian Huntley. I'd gladly spend time behind bars for killing some b****** who'd murdered my children.

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  I'd gladly spend time behind bars for killing some b****** who'd murdered my children.

Me too, and maybe a lot of people would think the same.


But I think it's worth investigating the possibility that by studying the likes of Huntley, we might be able to do something to reduce the numbers of children being murdered like this.

Whereas if he is just executed, we gain nothing.

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If I had a pound for every time you made a comment about people reading yours or others minds I'd be retired by now, living on a yacht in the Canaries.


As I have made a not so grand number of only 66 posts on this forum I suspect that you probably wouldn't get off the island on the proceeds. The Canaries as well, pfffft!


Anyway, just because I do not support the death penalty don't think I don't feel angry and afraid at the actions of the Huntleys of this world. The more crimes like his the more we all fear for our children.


As to the paradox posed by Rox, that is why we have a judicial system. So the knee-jerk reaction of the tabloids baying for blood does not swamp clearly mitigating circumstances.


I still hate perverts though but not enough to stone them to death as all that reminds me of is "Are there any women here?".

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But I think it's worth investigating the possibility that by studying the likes of Huntley, we might be able to do something to reduce the numbers of children being murdered like this.

Whereas if he is just executed, we gain nothing.

So, study him, get the info needed...............then stone the tw*t to death!


PK - the Canaries would be at the weekends (I'd have to mix with the commoners at some time to keep my feet firmly on the ground!), the rest of my time would be spent at my mansion in Monaco.


Stone him!

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