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Ian Huntley -- Witch. (at Our Expense)


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Stoning Ian Huntley to death or burning him alive or slowly torturing him to a long and hideously painful demise is going to do nothing to stop more of his ilk doing the same sort of thing time and again.


It would save an awful lot of taxpayers money though eh?

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It would save an awful lot of taxpayers money though eh?


If we had the death penalty then I would find it hard to condemn the actions of murderers as I would be supporting one (the state).


What price a clear conscience?


Worth every penny. IMHO of course.

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Stoning Ian Huntley to death or burning him alive or slowly torturing him to a long and hideously painful demise is going to do nothing to stop more of his ilk doing the same sort of thing time and again.


It would save an awful lot of taxpayers money though eh?


It may, but it would destroy any chance there might be to discover a way to prevent such things happening again.

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Stone him!


I presume you mean Huntley and not P.K.


This is a very difficult issue, because in a way it is hard to argue against the emotion - the gut reaction of people (myself included) that Huntley should be severely punished; that he doesn't deserve to live; and that we need to get him back for what he has done. It is a natural reaction because humans are an animal that fight to protect not only our own young, but the "pack's" young.


Yet, this is not the RIGHT thing to do because -


1. The justice system isn't infallible.

2. Death, however painful, is an escape for him - why did Shipman, and West take their lives and Huntley attempt it.

3. I believe there is a lot to learn from studying these people. We may never get a truely foolproof solution, or it may take hundreds of years, but we have got to try. If we can eventually answer some of the following questions, even if we can only grope partially towards an answer - maybe we can implement a better strategy -


a. Is there an underlying genetic, mental, personality or enviromental cause to this extreme deviancy.

b. When do the early signs first materialise.

c. Can we spot them.

d. Are there any interventions that we can make with someone displaying these traits early in life.


I don't know if this is possible, but if we don't at least try we'll never know.

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People who are guilty and sentenced for despicable crimes such as this shouldn't have all the mod cons like televisions, cd players, video players, dvd players and tea and coffee making facilities to hand in their cells, for lots of lifers it's like a hotel scenario. The only difference with them and us, is they can't just walk out the door.

I know what you're saying "let them live with the crime they've committed" but the Innocent people who's lives they've taken are dead and their innocent families might as well be as they are destroyed forever.

Monsters like Huntley are just that, you can probe their minds as much as you want.

I still say get rid of them, then and only then, you will know they aren't a threat to anyone elses children.

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Scurrilous rumour abounds! Basically I can't stand the man. He and Chris Evans frequently make me wonder if Charles Darwin might have got evolution all wrong....


Edited to add that Cheggars was once married to fellow presenter Maggie Philbin. Completely failing to see the irony in their situation she left him when he developed a drink problem.

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People who are guilty and sentenced for despicable crimes such as this shouldn't have all the mod cons like televisions, cd players, video players, dvd players and tea and coffee making facilities to hand in their cells, for lots of lifers it's like a hotel scenario. The only difference with them and us, is they can't just walk out the door.

I know what you're saying "let them live with the crime they've committed" but the Innocent people who's lives they've taken are dead and their innocent families might as well be as they are destroyed forever.

Monsters like Huntley are just that, you can probe their minds as much as you want.

I still say get rid of them, then and only then, you will know they aren't a threat to anyone elses children.


Their punishment is the loss of their liberty.


Does it really matter whether they have TV's etc in their cells?


Whilst they are are locked up they aren't a threat to anyone.

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