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Ian Huntley -- Witch. (at Our Expense)


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To believe that the simple removal of freedom is punishment enough for a criminal act is naïve to say the least.


Revenge is good and wholesome.  It frequently helps the process of recovery of a victim to know that the person who has brought them pain is now also suffering. ......  I want them destroyed  body and soul.


Society forbids an individual to take revenge himself and provides the criminal justice system as a means of taking revenge by proxy.  Unless the punishment of a criminal, especially one who has committed an inhuman act like huntley,  includes an obvious extraction of vengeance upon him then society is letting down the victim and their family.


It is long past time that such 'people' were paid in their own coin.

No it isnt naive, at least it's no more naive than the notion that there is somehow "punishment enough" for an act of such depravity.


Revenge is not good and wholesome.

If it were, we would all be allowed to seek revenge whenever we felt someone had done us wrong. The law forbids this, not because it's good and wholesome, but because the law recognises that the basic rules we all have to abide by in order for society to function, have to be adhered to in order to prevent anarchic chaos.


Whoever pays Huntley back in his own coin would likely be one of his own sort, if that proves to be the case, shall we elevate the status of his executioner to that of a free man?


It really dosn't matter how the issue is dressed up, at the end of the day, to take the life of another human being is wrong. Thats why he's in prison in the first place.

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There is another matter and that is revenge.  Revenge is good and wholesome.  It frequently helps the process of recovery of a victim to know that the person who has brought them pain is now also suffering.  Not just inconvenienced, but  soul destroying  mind numbing suffering utterly hopeless suffering.  I want such people to face an inhuman and pointless regime of punishment.  I want them destroyed  body and soul.


Not for the average ‘Joe Bloggs’ with his swag-bag or even the snotty nosed little scrote who commits numerous crimes of opportunity, but those creatures who injure people either physically or mentally.  Paedophiles, pleasure-killers, sadists, terrorists,  the really bad people in our society.  They are the ones who should face a regime that is harsh, pointless, utterly soul destroying, endless, repetative, bioring to the n-th degree,  with no hope of parole and above all obvious to them as being unforgiving.

I have two takes on this. The first is that with capital punishment if you argue it all the way down the line you eventually reach the point where if you take the life of the likes of Huntley then in a way you are no better than he is. The second leads on from that. A man (sorry ladies) of far more depth than me once remarked that the way we treat the likes of Huntley is a measure of our own humanity.


Now I don't want to lower myself to his level and if we treat him reasonably then I know we won't.


I would also like to point out that I have an absolutely fantastic sex life that will be denied to the likes of Huntley until even viagra cannot help him....

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I would also like to point out that I have an absolutely fantastic sex life that will be denied to the likes of Huntley until even viagra cannot help him....

:o Too much info, PK! We all know about blokes who brag about their fantastic sex life..............or rather lack of it! Didn't your mother tell you you'll get hairy palms and go blind??? And I won't even mention RSI in your right hand!

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It really dosn't matter how the issue is dressed up, at the end of the day, to take the life of another human being is wrong.


Yes it's wrong but that's exactly what he did, he killed, he took the lives of two kids and he should pay, preferably with his life. That isn't going to happen though he's going to live in a nice centrally heated cell and be warmer than most pensioners this winter. The money it costs to keep him and his kind in prison alive would keep a lot of pensioners warm for a couple of winters.

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Too kind!


Just drawing attention to the fact that loss of liberty means more than just being able to walk out of the door.


PS - if you sit on your left hand for a while it feels like someone else!

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Just drawing attention to the fact that loss of liberty means more than just being able to walk out of the door.


Are you talking from experience? didn't think so.

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Actually I am. But I volunteered for it. Feel stupid?


No not at all.


You can't talk from experience because you volunteered for it. If you had experienced it for real I would have some respect for your statement but as it turns out, I don't ,and personally I don't think you have a clue about loss of liberty or what you're talking about.

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Actually I am. But I volunteered for it. Feel stupid?


No not at all.


You can't talk from experience because you volunteered for it. If you had experienced it for real I would have some respect for your statement but as it turns out, I don't ,and personally I don't think you have a clue about loss of liberty or what your talking about.

I am interested to hear why you think volunteering for a repressive regime is somehow different from having one forced upon you. Both lead to a loss of liberty and everything that goes with it. Frankly the regime I was under was a great deal harsher than the likes of Huntley will ever have to put up with. Once I volunteered the only difference was that in 16 weeks I had an option to get out. After 16 weeks it is not an option you are going to take. Some time after that I spent 6 months living in limbo under very trying circumstances.


Maybe you should try it, it's character building...

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Maybe you should try it, it's character building...
maybe I have already


Frankly the regime I was under was a great deal harsher than the likes of Huntley will ever have to put up with.


Maybe he should be sent out there and then maybe someone will put him against a wall and shoot him.

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It really dosn't matter how the issue is dressed up, at the end of the day, to take the life of another human being is wrong.


Yes it's wrong but that's exactly what he did, he killed, he took the lives of two kids and he should pay, preferably with his life. That isn't going to happen though he's going to live in a nice centrally heated cell and be warmer than most pensioners this winter. The money it costs to keep him and his kind in prison alive would keep a lot of pensioners warm for a couple of winters.


He killed and we know thats wrong.


He is paying for his crime by losing his liberty and, hopefully, by providing some information which may be helpfull in identifying likely future offenders.


Society dosn't murder anybody anymore as punishment because quite rightly they see murder as wrong.


As for keeping pensioners comfortable during the winter, thats an altogether different issue which should be addressed by methods other than the mass murder of other people.

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Actually I am. But I volunteered for it. Feel stupid?


No not at all.


You can't talk from experience because you volunteered for it. If you had experienced it for real I would have some respect for your statement but as it turns out, I don't ,and personally I don't think you have a clue about loss of liberty or what your talking about.

I am interested to hear why you think volunteering for a repressive regime is somehow different from having one forced upon you. Both lead to a loss of liberty and everything that goes with it.

Spot the difference?


So WildDog (nice name by the way) how do you see they are different?


PS - Jay - well put.

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