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Ian Huntley -- Witch. (at Our Expense)


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.....you volunteered for it.         

If you had experienced it for real......



Well said!


There is a world of difference between these two. Choosing to do something and being forced to do something are total opposites. Prison isn't just about detention, it's also about the loss of freedom of choice, freedom to do what you want when you want.

Democratic societies are build around the concept of personal freedom, so to deprive someone of that is a real punishment.

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The difference PK is you volunteered to do whatever it was you did, it was your choice.

If you committed a crime and had your liberty taken away then that would be a different matter, lots of people don't give two hoots about being locked up and having there liberty taken away, hence it's not a punishment for them.

Some people actually commit crimes to get back into prisons.

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The difference PK is you volunteered to do whatever it was you did, it was your choice.

If you committed a crime and had your  liberty taken away then that would be a different matter, lots of people don't give two hoots about being locked up and having there liberty taken away, hence it's not a punishment for them.

To get back to the issue when you are there I can assure you that losing the liberty to do what you want is serious. Your entire life revolves around the whims of others. So all those who bleat on and on about the likes of Huntley having a tv and so forth are completely missing the point. In a way the more tv's, dvd's and so on he has just adds to his punishment.


By the way, the fact it is your choice makes absolutely no difference once you have made it, perhaps hastily. You still have to deal with it. The fact you volunteered is encapsulated in the famous phrase "If you can't take a joke you shouldn't have joined!".

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To get back to the issue when you are there I can assure you that losing the liberty to do what you want is serious.


PK, it isn't for some, they don't care whether there locked up for 3 months or 3 years.

I know off people who have committed crimes to get locked up at Christmas so they don't spend Christmas alone. They would rather spend Christmas doing what they want, locked up being punished, losing their liberty .

Where does the punishment factor come into that?

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I know off people who have committed crimes to get locked up at Christmas so they don't spend Christmas alone. They would rather spend Christmas doing what they want, locked up being punished, losing their liberty .

Where does the punishment factor come into that?


Yes I know of a few people like that too. It's a sad indictment on society that some people will resort to something so drastic.


But we are talking about life imprisonment, not a short break.


Huntley will never get out.


He will never be free, his every move will be watched, he will never be afforded that level of everyday normality that all free people have.


I don't know about you, but it would be a living hell for me.

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If you are so scared of being lonely at Xmas that you deliberately end up in goal then that says something about how the human condition desperately needs your fellow man at times like that. However it might also be a way of avoiding the winter weather.


Either way they are in a completely different league from the likes of Huntley and Shipman ie their motivation is of an entirely different order.


I would still maintain that perhaps some are deliberately avoiding the point in that the way we as a society treat the likes of Huntley says something about the kind of society we try and sustain...


I think I will leave it there.


Well Declan, although I have never watched it I understand Big Brother is one of these tasteless pap and cheap voyeuristic shows deliberately designed to appeal to those low in self-esteem ie when they see the rediculous antics of the wannabees trying to make it they feel good as they are sure they would never sink so low for this travesty of "fame". Almost like moderating a forum really....

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I don't know about you, but it would be a living hell for me.


It would be.


The thing is he's tried to top himself once already going by reports in the paper and on the television. If it's true he obviously hates life on the inside at the moment. The trouble is he will get used to being there and become accustomed to his incarceration to the point were he won't care about being there any more, he'll accept it and make the most of it.

Unless of course another inmate takes matters into there own hands and disposes of him.

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:angry: Sorry if my prev. post was a little obscure.

1. Hard Labour.,I think is fairly self explanatory. Any term of imprisonment would be coupled with hard, unremitting, physical labour.

2. PD, Preventive detention. to keep habitual criminals out of harms way.

I think that both were abolished in post war penal reforms.#


(edited to correct link)

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