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Ian Huntley -- Witch. (at Our Expense)


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Because we are not depraved .... he is.
To be fair i don't think it is depraved to deny someone acess to TV or Radio....maybe your definition is different to mine.


although I have never watched it I understand Big Brother is one of these tasteless pap and cheap voyeuristic shows deliberately designed to appeal to those low in self-esteem ie when they see the rediculous antics of the wannabees trying to make it they feel good as they are sure they would never sink so low for this travesty of "fame". Almost like moderating a forum really....


Commenting on something you know very little about PK? Surely not :rolleyes:

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The clue is in the words "I understand Big Brother is". Basically it was featured in my Saturday Grauniad as was four pages of Test Match cricket. Apparently some blond called Shell keeps getting her baps out but that's still not enough to tempt me to watch it.


Anyway, why shouldn't I get properly into the spirit of the forum?

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Basically it was featured in my Saturday Grauniad


Ahh a Guardian reader, at least it's not the Daily Mail i suppose. So you are making a judgement on a program you have never watched based on the Guardian's article.... fair enough i can live with that, but then to judge all of the people who watch it based on that article, nope you lose!

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Keep going PK - someone, possibly ex-services who does not believe in capital punishment - well done.


That's almost as difficult as bowling with your 'wrong' arm.




If the death penalty was the option for murder, then a lot more murderers would get clean away with their crimes.


For a start they would be a lot less likely to admit their crimes to the Police


and more importantly


Juries, who will swallow any red herring, will take any excuse they can not to be the person who sent someone to their death. Hence a lot more 'Not guilty' verdicts.


Hence, with the evidence against Huntley, which was all circumstantial, with no witnesses as to what actually happened, he might have walked free, because the smallest doubt is magnified when someone's life is on the line.

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but then to judge all of the people who watch it based on that article, nope you lose!

Anyone who watches Big brother is sending out a very clear message about their "taste" in tv programs. Based on this solid evidence I can happily make a correct judgement about what they like to watch.


Consequently, and this going to sound strange I know, but somehow I don't feel I have lost anything. Spooky isn't it?

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he might of been dissapointed that Jason or dan never got their knobs out and so in fit of disgust turned it off and vowed to bad mouth it..


(this of course is mear speculation)

Sorry but having never watched it I haven't a clue what point you are trying to make?????

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