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Southport Stabbings

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4 minutes ago, HeliX said:

I think the sort of person who believes burning down a library is valid in the first place is probably quite hard of understanding.

It’s really quite heartbreaking.

For years I have been telling people on the IOM that England/ UK is not the crime ridden place they seem to believe it is.

Indeed I have sometimes imagined that I would someday go back to the country of my birth. For all its faults England has a pull on my heart.

But given the recent events and the rise of the right I doubt that I ever shall

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3 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

It’s really quite heartbreaking.

For years I have been telling people on the IOM that England/ UK is not the crime ridden place they seem to believe it is.

Indeed I have sometimes imagined that I would someday go back to the country of my birth. For all its faults England has a pull on my heart.

But given the recent events and the rise of the right I doubt that I ever shall

I'm not sure what the path back from this is. The numbers involved in the unrest are substantial, and it's only going to send one message to the minorities here, which is going to ferment further division. When those involved are (rightfully) prosecuted, it'll just allow agitators like Robinson to claim that it's more evidence of two-tier policing.

Very depressing times.

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HeliX's video is so shocking. Just terrible. The poor police lined up like Aunt Sallies while the mob attacks them.

The size of the bricks etc for me makes attempted murder really clear just unbelieveable.

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The pot has been simmering for a long time now immigration is now out of hand and people have had enough, the Conservatives could not solve the problem of the illegal boat landings and the Labour Party seem half hearted about the situation.   Rioting is no answer but blame and threats will not sort out the frustration felt by a lot of the public.    Tackling the problem has to be the answer even if the Navy have to be involved in turning the boats back then perhaps the message will get through it seems a desperate solution but something needs to be done.

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3 minutes ago, Fred the shred said:

The pot has been simmering for a long time now immigration is now out of hand and people have had enough, the Conservatives could not solve the problem of the illegal boat landings and the Labour Party seem half hearted about the situation.   Rioting is no answer but blame and threats will not sort out the frustration felt by a lot of the public.    Tackling the problem has to be the answer even if the Navy have to be involved in turning the boats back then perhaps the message will get through it seems a desperate solution but something needs to be done.

People arriving by small boats are not the reason the country is in a state. Successive Governments handing billions in public money to their mates in exchange for fuck all is.

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Immigration is not just about money,  deep resentment is being felt when people see immigrants put up in hotels and there are homeless people on the streets.   The people who were demonstrating, and not all of them were throwing bricks were shouting stop the boats they can see their town being taken over by people with different cultures.   It is complicated it has been a big bone of contention ever since Liar Blair let untold numbers of immigrants in because he wanted their vote.

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2 minutes ago, Gladys said:

Can they not use water canons and tear gas? 

Question for Derek that! But no doubt they'd claim that was two tier policing because it wasn't used on peaceful protests...

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Just now, Fred the shred said:

Immigration is not just about money,  deep resentment is being felt when people see immigrants put up in hotels and there are homeless people on the streets.   The people who were demonstrating, and not all of them were throwing bricks were shouting stop the boats they can see their town being taken over by people with different cultures.   It is complicated it has been a big bone of contention ever since Liar Blair let untold numbers of immigrants in because he wanted their vote.

I don't think any reasonable person thinks there should be people left homeless. But again the problem is politicians, not some people arriving on boats.

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We have a problem on the island...government encouraging people to live here, not enough homes and the infrastructure is struggling... as we are with finances.

We have clueless politicians here who are just allowing the locals to be financially cleansed from their own island, not building anywhere near enough homes, and not cutting their own cloth (instead just raising income tax and stealth charges to protect their own lifestyles and those working in the civil and public services who 'advise' them).

Whilst we might not have riots, I can see a jolly good rout of politicians coming...if someone eloquently puts this all into perspective under some political banner.

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But they aren’t some people they are coming in great numbers, who they are we know not, murderers, rapists, child molesters, perhaps, scroungers for sure , they are illegal and unwanted they are costing the British taxpayers fortunes and enough is enough.    The press have it that all the protesters are thugs and are printing photos of violence, violence is inexcusable in any context but there a lot of people out there who want their country back, they are too late for that but they don’t want it taken over totally , these demonstrations will not stop until something is done about illegal immigration.

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