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11 minutes ago, RecklessAbandon said:

No, and the two situations are not even remotely related.

Also, you clearly haven't read the Israel/Palestine thread.

Well they are, as much as your liberal mind is desperate for it to be otherwise. Do we need to have thousands of kids murdered? Majority of Palestinians are more "far right" than the British far right. The British far right have a "live and let live"  "if it doesn't affect me" mentality, all the way until they see kids killed.

Muslim extremists who immigrate here, hate all westerners equally. Even people who offer love, compassion, and a warm welcome from the war ravaged hell hole that is .... France.

I was on that thread before you had even created your account. 

I'll summarise my extensive comments, if you didn't read back that far: 

Stop killing kids!

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Just now, HeteroErectus said:

Well they are, as much as your liberal mind is desperate for it to be otherwise.

No, they really aren't. This is perhaps the stupidest thing anyone has said in this thread.

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44 minutes ago, HeliX said:

So there wasn't one, then?

The huge vote for Reform in the last election, should tell you everything. 

The tories aren't considered right wing anymore by huge amounts of people. They may be right of labour, but the entire "Overton window" has been shifting heavily to the left for years. (Thankyou to the far left for the great contributions to society, such as "furries" and to the centre left, for the austerity)


44 minutes ago, HeliX said:

This'd be a great analogy if Brits had been forced out of their homes, killed in droves and kept in an open air prison for the thick end of a century.

No, that would a PERFECT analogy. Its still a great analogy. Palestine didn't start as a prison. It gradually became so, after they first had their cultural identity and national spirit removed. Then violent displacement. If you're white, walk through some of the no go areas of the UK, see how well that goes. Areas that predominantly used to be white working class.

44 minutes ago, HeliX said:

" Even in the very rare instance they are the dreaded bogeyman (right wing extremists 😱), there is a case to be made that those people don't "fit in" due to an oversaturation of competing cultures, that destroy the strong social cohesion (and there potential for inclusion) of a more homogeneous society. "

Nowhere in that sentence do I blame Muslims. Let's not stretch words. That says, extreme multiculturalism doesn't work. People become marginalised. 

Edited by HeteroErectus
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Just now, HeteroErectus said:

The huge vote for Reform in the last election, should tell you everything. 

The tories aren't considered right wing anymore by huge amounts of people. They may be right of labour, but the entire "Overton window" has been shifting heavily to the left for years. (Thankyou to the left for the great contributions to society, such as "furries")

Absolutely no serious person with an understanding of politics or sociology would agree that the Overton window is shifting left.


No, that would a PERFECT analogy. Its still a great analogy.

No, it isn't. Britain hasn't been under the control of a foreign power. Britain hasn't had that foreign power give virutally the entire country away to people living elsewhere who want to move there. Britain hasn't had its native population forcibly removed or killed.


Palestine didn't start as a prison. It gradually became so, after they first had their cultural identity and national spirit removed.

Removing 700,000 people in a year is not gradual.


Then violent displacement. If you're white, walk through some of the no go areas of the UK, see how well that goes. Areas that predominantly used to be white working class.

There aren't any "no go areas" in the UK. That's an argument made by grifters and bullshit artists. I've travelled the UK extensively over the past 10 years for work, in more or less all major cities, and in plenty of run-down and/or majority Muslim areas. I am incredibly pasty white man. Nobody has ever given me an ounce of grief.


Nowhere in that sentence do I blame Muslims. Let's not stretch words. That says, extreme multiculturalism doesn't work. People become marginalised. 

By the existence of people who aren't culturally identical to them? We both know exactly what you're saying.

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6 minutes ago, HeliX said:

Absolutely no serious person with an understanding of politics or sociology would agree that the Overton window is shifting left.

Unless you're firmly on the left yourself of course. Again, the millions of Reform supported say otherwise. That is not because they are growing becoming more "right", it's because the entire mainstream is moving to the left and leaving people behind. As my previous comment regarding the boat and the shore; "why is the shore moving away from my boat???!!!"

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Just now, HeteroErectus said:

Unless you're firmly on the left yourself of course. Again, the millions of Reform supported say otherwise. That is not because they are growing becoming more "right", it's because the entire mainstream is moving to the left and leaving people behind. As my previous comment regarding the boat and the shore; "why is the shore moving away from my boat???!!!"

How many of the candidates for this party that doesn't apparently signify a shift to the right had to be sacked for being overtly racist?

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Just now, HeteroErectus said:


Now your complaint is that institutional racism leads to pockets of communities having to band together, and that's somehow the fault of the people being victimised?

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Just now, HeliX said:

Now your complaint is that institutional racism leads to pockets of communities having to band together, and that's somehow the fault of the people being victimised?

No. It's the Lefts fetish for "multiculturalism" that creates the environment. Btw, the majority of racial tension doesn't include white British at all.

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Just now, HeteroErectus said:

No. It's the Lefts fetish for "multiculturalism" that creates the environment. Btw, the majority of racial tension doesn't include white British at all.

Decades of policies by Tory Governments:


"The left did this".

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