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12 hours ago, RecklessAbandon said:

It is saddening to see that there are what appear to be some on MF who are in effect cheering on the right wing yobbos and their "cause".



That's the lens you are viewing it through. People are trying to analyse the issues which is entirely legitimate.

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10 hours ago, HeliX said:

Now your complaint is that institutional racism leads to pockets of communities having to band together, and that's somehow the fault of the people being victimised?

That's rubbish. Birds of a feather flock together either where the work is, or where there is an established community. Then white flight follows because again, birds of a feather.......... It's human nature.

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9 hours ago, HeliX said:

Well let's test your theory that everything is moving left then, Labour must be a truly left wing Government if that's the case? Then we must be getting more nationalisation, vastly increased public spending, an end to austerity, an end to the two child benefit cap, tax reforms that more fairly tax wealth?

Or are we getting the opposite of all that?

Could have been a lot worse. Could have been Corbyn.

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1 hour ago, La Colombe said:

Actually, I can't be arsed. 

Tell me you don't know what homogeneous means without telling me you don't know what homogeneous means. No wonder you withdrew it. And you have the nerve to call other posters thick.

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17 minutes ago, La Colombe said:

Do I? I don't remember doing that. 

Allow me to assist your failing memory.

On 7/31/2024 at 9:17 PM, La Colombe said:

Whenever I read your posts (or for that matter, The Voice of Reason's), the guy who got a brick (or two) to the head and another to the groin is who I imagine to be posting them. I bet he voted in favour of leaving the European Union. 


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7 hours ago, woolley said:

Absolutely not. The existence of these cases was recognised early in the thread when @John Wright listed a number of notorious ones. That they were so notorious, and live long in the memory, only underlines the fact of their rarity. They also had sexual perversion in common, sadly a feature of humanity probably since man first walked the earth. A base animal urge in some individuals that will always be a factor.

Go and look at the newspaper archives for Manchester and you will find plenty of awful murder cases thst never achieved notoriety but nevertheless were still brutal. 

7 hours ago, woolley said:

The situation in the very late 20th and 21st century so far is completely different. It's an undeclared war in which innocents are seen as fair game for the furtherance of some spurious alien religious aim or revenge for some perceived wrong elsewhere in the world. Or, of course, the increasingly popular "mental problems".

Yes levels of violent crime have increased for a whole host of reasons. 

The hollowing out of public services has undoubtedly meant less resources to prevent incidents.

Alien religion?  Assuming you mean Islam then that has been a part of British society from 1930 with an increase in 1947 following the partition of India.  Muslims fought in WW1 and WW2 with some being awarded the Victoria Cross.

7 hours ago, woolley said:

Take a look at this list of atrocities. Note the long gaps in the chronology, and the fact that the Irish Republican movement was responsible for nearly all of them until the 1990s, generally against military or government targets, and mostly after warnings issued. Since then the pace quickens radically, and the vast majority of atrocities carried out, and also those thwarted, are connected to Islamist extremism.


I totally agree that extremism is an increasing problem. Not just Islamist extremism but also white supremacists and various others as well.

As I said before social media and the Internet whilst a fantastic resource on one hand also has a lot to answer for.

7 hours ago, woolley said:

In addition to this, there is an epidemic of knife and gun crime, much of it among the young and connected to drugs and organised crime gangs the magnitude of which would be unthinkable 50 years ago.

Again I agree but the Police need more resources and over the last 14 years their numbers have been cut.

I also forget now where we are with Interpol and cooperation with the EU on tackling the drug trade.

As a volunteer for a youth organisation I have been trained to spot signs that a young person is involved in drug crime or is being groomed for such.  Its absolutely terrible. 

7 hours ago, woolley said:

And children simply butchered in the park or in a club. A public place. I'm sorry, but you don't know what you're talking about.

Would that be the case that was driven by hatred/fear of transgender people by any chance? 

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7 hours ago, woolley said:

That's rubbish. Birds of a feather flock together either where the work is, or where there is an established community. Then white flight follows because again, birds of a feather.......... It's human nature.

Government policy was/is to house people in the same communities.  It's not always "birds of a feather".

In some cases it was an active decision to create communities.

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7 hours ago, woolley said:

Allow me to assist your failing memory.



On 7/31/2024 at 9:17 PM, La Colombe said:

Whenever I read your posts (or for that matter, The Voice of Reason's), the guy who got a brick (or two) to the head and another to the groin is who I imagine to be posting them. I bet he voted in favour of leaving the European Union. 

Err, where exactly in that quote am I having the nerve to call you and The Voice of Reason thick? 

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9 hours ago, woolley said:

That's the lens you are viewing it through. People are trying to analyse the issues which is entirely legitimate.

If your take from the hooligan yobbos rioting across the country is them "expressing" their "legitimate concerns" is not something to condemn, you are part of the right wing circle jerk.

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18 hours ago, Chinahand said:


Mmm. Is the attack necessarily a product of multiculturalism? Are people jumping to another conclusion just as they did around Islam. 

He was born and raised and educated in Britain. In a predominantly white middle class village. To a family that were active in the local church.  He’s described as a quiet lad who never went out. 

Is not an equally plausible explanation that he’s an incel (the attack was against girls after all) or has mental health issues?

There’s  too little known right now to come to any conclusion about cause let alone extrapolate that to draw conclusions about the general state of the nation. 



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